14#ifndef vtkMeasurementCubeHandleRepresentation3D_h
15#define vtkMeasurementCubeHandleRepresentation3D_h
18#include "vtkInteractionWidgetsModule.h"
165 vtkGetMacro(SideLength,
183 vtkGetMacro(RescaleFactor,
195 vtkGetMacro(MinRelativeCubeScreenArea,
197 vtkGetMacro(MaxRelativeCubeScreenArea,
204 vtkSetStringMacro(LengthUnit);
205 vtkGetStringMacro(LengthUnit);
223 double LastPickPosition[3];
224 double LastEventPosition[2];
239 virtual void Scale(
const double* p1,
const double* p2,
const double eventPos[2]);
240 virtual void MoveFocus(
const double* p1,
const double* p2);
263 const double* p1,
const double* p2,
const double eventPos[2],
double requestedDisplayPos[3]);
represents an object (geometry & properties) in a rendered scene
Renders pixel-aligned text, facing the camera, anchored at a 3D point.
ray-cast cell picker for all kinds of Prop3Ds
a subclass of actor that always faces the camera
abstract class for representing widget handles
a simple class to control print indentation
represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices
represent a unit cube for measuring/comparing to data.
double MaxRelativeCubeScreenArea
void BuildRepresentation() override
Methods to make this class properly act like a vtkWidgetRepresentation.
vtkPolyData * GetHandle()
Get the handle polydata.
int RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry(vtkViewport *viewport) override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
void SetSelectedProperty(vtkProperty *)
Set/Get the handle properties when unselected and selected.
void GetActors(vtkPropCollection *) override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
int RenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkViewport *viewport) override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
int ComputeInteractionState(int X, int Y, int modify=0) override
Methods to make this class properly act like a vtkWidgetRepresentation.
virtual void SetLabelTextInput(const char *label)
A label may be associated with the cube.
bool LabelAnnotationTextScaleInitialized
vtkTypeBool SelectedLabelVisibility
virtual void Scale(const double *p1, const double *p2, const double eventPos[2])
vtkMatrix4x4 * HandleTransformMatrix
vtkPolyDataMapper * Mapper
vtkTypeBool HandleVisibility
void SetMinRelativeCubeScreenArea(double)
Set the min/max cube representational area relative to the render window area.
void RegisterPickers() override
Register internal Pickers in the Picking Manager.
void SetMaxRelativeCubeScreenArea(double)
Set the min/max cube representational area relative to the render window area.
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter * HandleTransformFilter
void ScaleIfNecessary(vtkViewport *)
If adaptive scaling is enabled, rescale the cube so that its representational area in the display win...
void SetSideLength(double)
Set the length of a side of the cube (default is 1).
virtual void MoveFocus(const double *p1, const double *p2)
vtkMatrixToLinearTransform * HandleTransform
void SetProperty(vtkProperty *)
Set/Get the handle properties when unselected and selected.
virtual void SetUniformScale(double scale)
The handle may be scaled uniformly in all three dimensions using this API.
virtual vtkAbstractTransform * GetTransform()
Get the transform used to transform the generic handle polydata before placing it in the render windo...
double MinRelativeCubeScreenArea
~vtkMeasurementCubeHandleRepresentation3D() override
void CreateDefaultProperties()
vtkBillboardTextActor3D * LabelText
void StartWidgetInteraction(double eventPos[2]) override
Methods to make this class properly act like a vtkWidgetRepresentation.
vtkTypeBool HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry() override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
vtkTypeBool LabelVisibility
static vtkMeasurementCubeHandleRepresentation3D * New()
Instantiate this class.
double * GetBounds() override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
vtkProperty * SelectedProperty
void Highlight(int highlight) override
Toggle highlighting (used when the cube is selected).
void ShallowCopy(vtkProp *prop) override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard methods for instances of this class.
void DeepCopy(vtkProp *prop) override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
void MoveFocusRequest(const double *p1, const double *p2, const double eventPos[2], double requestedDisplayPos[3])
Given a motion vector defined by p1 --> p2 (p1 and p2 are in world coordinates), the new display posi...
vtkTypeBool AdaptiveScaling
vtkCellPicker * HandlePicker
void SetDisplayPosition(double p[3]) override
Set the position of the point in world and display coordinates.
virtual void UpdateLabel()
Opportunity to update the label position and text during each render.
virtual void UpdateHandle()
Update the actor position.
void WidgetInteraction(double eventPos[2]) override
Methods to make this class properly act like a vtkWidgetRepresentation.
void SetWorldPosition(double p[3]) override
Set the position of the point in world and display coordinates.
void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *) override
Methods to make this class behave as a vtkProp.
virtual char * GetLabelTextInput()
A label may be associated with the cube.
map vtkPolyData to graphics primitives
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations
represent surface properties of a geometric object
abstract specification for Viewports
window superclass for vtkRenderWindow