44#ifndef vtkCompositePolyDataMapper_h
45#define vtkCompositePolyDataMapper_h
49#include "vtkRenderingCoreModule.h"
133 double color[3] = { r, g, b };
134 this->SetBlockColor(index, color);
218 vtkSetMacro(ColorMissingArraysWithNanColor,
219 vtkGetMacro(ColorMissingArraysWithNanColor,
220 vtkBooleanMacro(ColorMissingArraysWithNanColor,
229 int idx,
int port,
int connection,
int fieldAssociation,
const char* name)
231 int idx,
int port,
int connection,
int fieldAssociation,
int fieldAttributeType)
346 bool ColorMissingArraysWithNanColor =
354 bool HasTranslucentGeometry =
364 std::unique_ptr<vtkInternals> Internals;
abstract class specifies interface to map data
represents an object (geometry & properties) in a rendered scene
void SetInputArrayToProcess(const char *name, int fieldAssociation)
Set the input data arrays that this algorithm will process.
Rendering attributes for a multi-block dataset.
abstract superclass for composite (multi-block or AMR) datasets
Delegates rendering of multiple polydata that share similar signatures.
a class that renders hierarchical polygonal data
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > GetRenderedList()
Accessor to the ordered list of PolyData that we last drew.
void SetBlockFieldDataTupleId(unsigned int index, vtkIdType value)
void RemoveBlockColor(unsigned int index)
Set/get the color for a block given its flat index.
void RemoveBlockArrayComponents()
vtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributes * GetCompositeDataDisplayAttributes()
Set/get the composite data set attributes.
double GetBlockOpacity(unsigned int index)
Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index.
MapperHashType InsertPolyData(vtkPolyData *polydata, const unsigned int &flatIndex)
bool GetBlockVisibility(unsigned int index)
Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index.
void SetBlockArrayAccessMode(unsigned int index, int value)
void ComputeBounds() override
Need to loop over the hierarchy to compute bounds.
void SetCompositeDataDisplayAttributes(vtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributes *attributes)
Set/get the composite data set attributes.
void RemoveBlockArrayAccessMode(unsigned int index)
void RemoveBlockOpacity(unsigned int index)
Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index.
virtual vtkCompositePolyDataMapperDelegator * CreateADelegator()
This is the build method for creating the delegator.
void RemoveBlockColors()
Set/get the color for a block given its flat index.
vtkPolyDataMapper::MapperHashType GenerateHash(vtkPolyData *polydata) override
Creates an empty polydata mapper and asks the mapper to hash the polydata.
void SetVBOShiftScaleMethod(int method) override
A convenience method for enabling/disabling the VBO's shift+scale transform.
vtkStateStorage TranslucentState
vtkStateStorage TempState
void RemoveBlockFieldDataTupleIds()
int GetBlockScalarMode(unsigned int index)
vtkExecutive * CreateDefaultExecutive() override
We need to override this method because the standard streaming demand driven pipeline is not what we ...
void RemoveBlockArrayIds()
void RemoveBlockArrayName(unsigned int index)
vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override
Overridden to include vtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributes' mtime.
vtkNew< vtkPolyDataMapper > PrototypeMapper
A prototype of the object factory override mapper.
void RemoveBlockVisibility(unsigned int index)
Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index.
void SetBlockArrayComponent(unsigned int index, int value)
void SetBlockVisibility(unsigned int index, bool visible)
Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index.
bool RecursiveHasTranslucentGeometry(vtkDataObject *dobj, unsigned int &flat_index)
virtual void PreRender(const std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCompositePolyDataMapperDelegator > > &, vtkRenderer *, vtkActor *)
Invoked just before all delegators render their datasets.
void SetBlockScalarMode(unsigned int index, int value)
void SetInputArrayToProcess(int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, int fieldAttributeType) override
Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers.
void SetBlockArrayId(unsigned int index, int value)
void Render(vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkActor *actor) override
Standard method for rendering a mapper.
void ShallowCopy(vtkAbstractMapper *mapper) override
Make a shallow copy of this mapper.
void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow *) override
Release the underlying resources associated with this mapper.
void GetBlockColor(unsigned int index, double color[3])
Set/get the color for a block given its flat index.
void SetPauseShiftScale(bool pauseShiftScale) override
Pause updates of shift-scale parameters based on camera position.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkCompositeDataDisplayAttributes > CompositeAttributes
Composite data set attributes.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
void SetBlockColor(unsigned int index, const double color[3])
Set/get the color for a block given its flat index.
static vtkCompositePolyDataMapper * New()
void RemoveBlockOpacities()
Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index.
vtkTimeStamp DelegatorMTime
void RemoveBlockVisibilities()
Set/get the visibility for a block given its flat index.
void RemoveBlockScalarMode(unsigned int index)
void SetInputArrayToProcess(int idx, vtkInformation *info) override
Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers.
vtkStateStorage RenderValuesState
void RemoveBlockArrayId(unsigned int index)
void RemoveBlockArrayComponent(unsigned int index)
void RemoveBlockScalarModes()
int GetBlockArrayComponent(unsigned int index)
double * GetBounds() override
Standard vtkProp method to get 3D bounds of a 3D prop.
void SetBlockArrayName(unsigned int index, const std::string &value)
void BuildRenderValues(vtkRenderer *renderer, vtkActor *actor, vtkDataObject *dobj, unsigned int &flat_index)
std::string GetBlockArrayName(unsigned int index)
~vtkCompositePolyDataMapper() override
void SetBlockOpacity(unsigned int index, double opacity)
Set/get the opacity for a block given its flat index.
virtual void PostRender(const std::vector< vtkSmartPointer< vtkCompositePolyDataMapperDelegator > > &, vtkRenderer *, vtkActor *)
Invoked just after all delegators render their datasets.
void RemoveBlockArrayAccessModes()
virtual vtkDataObjectTreeIterator * MakeAnIterator(vtkCompositeDataSet *dataset)
Initialize an iterator for the composite dataset.
void RemoveBlockFieldDataTupleId(unsigned int index)
vtkIdType GetBlockFieldDataTupleId(unsigned int index)
void RemoveBlockArrayNames()
int GetBlockArrayId(unsigned int index)
bool HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry() override
Some introspection on the type of data the mapper will render used by props to determine if they shou...
bool HasOpaqueGeometry() override
Some introspection on the type of data the mapper will render used by props to determine if they shou...
void SetBlockColor(unsigned int index, double r, double g, double b)
Set/get the color for a block given its flat index.
void SetInputArrayToProcess(int idx, int port, int connection, int fieldAssociation, const char *name) override
Call SetInputArrayToProcess on helpers.
int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info) override
Need to define the type of data handled by this mapper.
vtkTimeStamp BoundsMTime
Time stamp for computation of bounds.
int GetBlockArrayAccessMode(unsigned int index)
void ProcessSelectorPixelBuffers(vtkHardwareSelector *sel, std::vector< unsigned int > &pixeloffsets, vtkProp *prop) override
allows a mapper to update a selections color buffers Called from a prop which in turn is called from ...
superclass for composite data iterators
general representation of visualization data
Superclass for all pipeline executives in VTK.
a simple class to control print indentation
double * GetBounds() override
Return bounding box (array of six doubles) of data expressed as (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax,...
Allocate and hold a VTK object.
map vtkPolyData to graphics primitives
std::uintptr_t MapperHashType
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations
abstract specification for renderers
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
Class to make storing and comparing state quick and easy.
record modification and/or execution time
window superclass for vtkRenderWindow
vtkTypeUInt32 vtkMTimeType
#define VTK_SIZEHINT(...)