#include <vtkSource.h>
Inheritance diagram for vtkSource:
vtkSource is an abstract object that specifies behavior and interface of source objects. Source objects are objects that begin visualization pipeline. Sources include readers (read data from file or communications port) and procedural sources (generate data programmatically). vtkSource objects are also objects that generate output data. In this sense vtkSource is used as a superclass to vtkFilter.
Concrete subclasses of vtkSource must define Update() and Execute() methods. The public method Update() invokes network execution and will bring the network up-to-date. The protected Execute() method actually does the work of data creation/generation. The difference between the two methods is that Update() implements input consistency checks and modified time comparisons and then invokes the Execute() which is an implementation of a particular algorithm.
An important feature of subclasses of vtkSource is that it is possible to control the memory-management model (i.e., retain output versus delete output data). If enabled the ReleaseDataFlag enables the deletion of the output data once the downstream process object finishes processing the data (please see text).
Definition at line 55 of file vtkSource.h.
Bring object up-to-date before execution. Update() checks modified time against last execution time, and re-executes object if necessary. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. Reimplemented in vtkEnSightReader, and vtkGenericEnSightReader. |
Like update, but make sure the update extent is the whole extent in the output. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
Updates any global information about the data (like spacing for images) Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
What is the input update extent that is required to produce the desired output? By default, the whole input is always required but this is overridden in many subclasses. Reimplemented in vtkDataSetToDataSetFilter, vtkDataSetToImageFilter, vtkDataSetToPolyDataFilter, vtkDataSetToStructuredPointsFilter, vtkImageMultipleInputFilter, vtkImageMultipleInputOutputFilter, vtkImageToImageFilter, vtkPointSetToPointSetFilter, vtkPolyDataSource, vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter, vtkStructuredPointsToStructuredPointsFilter, vtkStructuredPointsToUnstructuredGridFilter, vtkUnstructuredGridSource, and vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter. |
Turn on/off flag to control whether this object's data is released after being used by a source. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
What is the input update extent that is required to produce the desired output? By default, the whole input is always required but this is overridden in many subclasses. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
What is the input update extent that is required to produce the desired output? By default, the whole input is always required but this is overridden in many subclasses. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
What is the input update extent that is required to produce the desired output? By default, the whole input is always required but this is overridden in many subclasses. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
Return an array with all the inputs of this process object. This is useful for tracing back in the pipeline to construct graphs etc. |
Return an array with all the inputs of this process object. This is useful for tracing back in the pipeline to construct graphs etc. Reimplemented in vtkPLOT3DReader. Referenced by vtkPLOT3DReader::GetNumberOfGrids(). |
Release/disconnect all outputs of this source. This is intended to be called prior to Delete() if the user is concerned about outputs holding on to the filter/source. |
Return what index output the passed in output is, return -1 if it does not match any of the outputs |
Set this algorithm's executive. This algorithm is removed from any executive to which it has previously been assigned and then assigned to the given executive. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
Transform pipeline requests from executives into old-style pipeline calls. This works with the vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline executive to maintain backward compatibility for filters written as subclasses of vtkSource. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. Reimplemented in vtkDataSetToDataSetFilter. |
This method is the one that should be used by subclasses, right now the default implementation is to call the backwards compatibility method Reimplemented in vtkImageMultipleInputFilter, vtkImageMultipleInputOutputFilter, and vtkImageToImageFilter. |
This method is the old style execute method Reimplemented in vtkImageSource, vtkGenericProbeFilter, vtkSpatialRepresentationFilter, vtkEnSightMasterServerReader, vtkEnSightReader, vtkGenericEnSightReader, and vtkPLOT3DReader. |
Reimplemented from vtkProcessObject. Reimplemented in vtkSpatialRepresentationFilter. |
Fill the output port information objects for this algorithm. This is invoked by the first call to GetOutputPortInformation for each port so subclasses can specify what they can handle. Reimplemented from vtkProcessObject. Reimplemented in vtkDataObjectSource, vtkDataSetSource, vtkImageSource, vtkPointSetSource, vtkPolyDataSource, vtkRectilinearGridSource, vtkStructuredGridSource, vtkStructuredPointsSource, and vtkUnstructuredGridSource. |
Set the number of output ports provided by the algorithm. Reimplemented from vtkAlgorithm. |
Definition at line 174 of file vtkSource.h. |
Definition at line 158 of file vtkSource.h. |
Definition at line 159 of file vtkSource.h. |
Definition at line 160 of file vtkSource.h. |
Definition at line 162 of file vtkSource.h. |