vtk3DSImporter | Imports 3D Studio files |
vtk3DWidget | Abstract superclass for 3D widgets |
vtk__Int64Array | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of __int64 |
vtkAbstractArray | Abstract superclass for all arrays |
vtkAbstractMapper | Abstract class specifies interface to map data |
vtkAbstractMapper3D | Abstract class specifies interface to map 3D data |
vtkAbstractPicker | Define API for picking subclasses |
vtkAbstractPropPicker | Abstract API for pickers that can pick an instance of vtkProp |
vtkAbstractTransform | Superclass for all geometric transformations |
vtkAbstractVolumeMapper | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkActor | Object (geometry & properties) in a rendered scene |
vtkActor2D | Actor that draws 2D data |
vtkActor2DCollection | List of 2D actors |
vtkActorCollection | List of actors |
vtkAlgorithm | Superclass for all sources, filters, and sinks in VTK |
vtkAlgorithmOutput | Proxy object to connect input/output ports |
vtkAmoebaMinimizer | Nonlinear optimization with a simplex |
vtkAMRBox | 3D uniform region in space |
vtkAnimationCue | Seqin an animation |
vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo | |
vtkAnimationScene | Animation scene manager |
vtkAnnotatedCubeActor | 3D cube with face labels |
vtkAppendFilter | Appends one or more datasets together into a single unstructured grid |
vtkAppendPolyData | Appends one or more polygonal datasets together |
vtkApproximatingSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using an Approximating Scheme |
vtkArcPlotter | Plot data along an arbitrary polyline |
vtkArrayCalculator | Perform mathematical operations on data in field data arrays |
vtkArrowSource | Appends a cylinder to a cone to form an arrow |
vtkAssembly | Create hierarchies of vtkProp3Ds (transformable props) |
vtkAssemblyNode | Represent a node in an assembly |
vtkAssemblyPath | List of nodes that form an assembly path |
vtkAssemblyPaths | List of lists of props representing an assembly hierarchy |
vtkAssignAttribute | Labels a field as an attribute |
vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter | Map attribute data to field data |
vtkAttributesErrorMetric | Objects that compute attribute-based error during cell tessellation |
vtkAVIWriter | Writes Windows AVI files |
vtkAVSucdReader | Reads a dataset in AVS "UCD" format |
vtkAVSucdReader::DataInfo | |
vtkAxes | Create an x-y-z axes |
vtkAxesActor | 3D axes representation |
vtkAxisActor2D | Create an axis with tick marks and labels |
vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter | Generate filled contours for vtkPolyData |
vtkBase64InputStream | Reads base64-encoded input from a stream |
vtkBase64OutputStream | Writes base64-encoded output to a stream |
vtkBase64Utilities | Base64 encode and decode utilities |
vtkBitArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of bits |
vtkBlankStructuredGrid | Translate point attribute data into a blanking field |
vtkBlankStructuredGridWithImage | Blank a structured grid with an image |
vtkBMPReader | Read Windows BMP files |
vtkBMPWriter | Writes Windows BMP files |
vtkBooleanTexture | Generate 2D texture map based on combinations of inside, outside, and on region boundary |
vtkBox | Implicit function for a bounding box |
vtkBoxClipDataSet | Clip an unstructured grid |
vtkBoxWidget | Orthogonal hexahedron 3D widget |
vtkBranchExtentTranslator | Uses alternative source for whole extent |
vtkBridgeAttribute | Implementation of vtkGenericAttribute |
vtkBridgeCell | Implementation of vtkGenericAdaptorCell |
vtkBridgeCellIterator | Implementation of vtkGenericCellIterator. It is just an example that show how to implement the Generic. It is also used for testing and evaluating the Generic |
vtkBridgeCellIteratorOnCellBoundaries | Iterate over cells of a dataset |
vtkBridgeCellIteratorOnCellList | Iterate over cells of a dataset |
vtkBridgeCellIteratorOnDataSet | Iterate over cells of a dataset |
vtkBridgeCellIteratorOne | Iterate over one cell only of a dataset |
vtkBridgeCellIteratorStrategy | Interface used by vtkBridgeCellIterator vtkBridgeCellIterator has different behaviors depending on the way it is initialized. vtkBridgeCellIteratorStrategy is the interface for one of those behaviors. Concrete classes are vtkBridgeCellIteratorOnDataSet, vtkBridgeCellIteratorOnDataSetBoundaries, vtkBridgeCellIteratorOnCellBoundaries, vtkBridgeCellIteratorOnCellNeighbors, |
vtkBridgeDataSet | Implementation of vtkGenericDataSet |
vtkBridgeExport | Manage Windows system differences |
vtkBridgePointIterator | Implementation of vtkGenericPointIterator |
vtkBridgePointIteratorOnCell | |
vtkBridgePointIteratorOnDataSet | Implementation of vtkGenericPointIterator |
vtkBridgePointIteratorOne | Implementation of vtkGenericPointIterator |
vtkBrownianPoints | Assign random vector to points |
vtkBSPCuts | This class represents an axis-aligned Binary Spatial Partitioning of a 3D space |
vtkBSPIntersections | Perform calculations (mostly intersection calculations) on regions of a 3D binary spatial partitioning |
vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using the Butterfly Scheme |
vtkButtonSource | Abstract class for creating various button types |
vtkByteSwap | Perform machine dependent byte swapping |
vtkBYUReader | Read MOVIE.BYU polygon files |
vtkBYUWriter | Write MOVIE.BYU files |
vtkCachedStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline | |
vtkCallbackCommand | Supports function callbacks |
vtkCamera | Virtual camera for 3D rendering |
vtkCameraInterpolator | Interpolate a series of cameras to update a new camera |
vtkCaptionActor2D | Draw text label associated with a point |
vtkCarbonRenderWindow | Carbon OpenGL rendering window |
vtkCarbonRenderWindowInteractor | Implements Carbon specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor |
vtkCardinalSpline | Computes an interpolating spline using a a Cardinal basis |
vtkCastToConcrete | Works around type-checking limitations |
vtkCell | Abstract class to specify cell behavior |
vtkCell3D | Abstract class to specify 3D cell interface |
vtkCellArray | Object to represent cell connectivity |
vtkCellCenterDepthSort | A simple implementation of vtkCellDepthSort |
vtkCellCenters | Generate points at center of cells |
vtkCellData | Represent and manipulate cell attribute data |
vtkCellDataToPointData | Map cell data to point data |
vtkCellDerivatives | Compute derivatives of scalars and vectors |
vtkCellLinks | Object represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point |
vtkCellLinks::Link | |
vtkCellLocator | Octree-based spatial search object to quickly locate cells |
vtkCellPicker | Select a cell by shooting a ray into graphics window |
vtkCellType | Define types of cells |
vtkCellTypes | Object provides direct access to cells in vtkCellArray and type information |
vtkCGMWriter | Write polygonal data as a CGM file |
vtkChacoReader | Read a Chaco file and create a vtkUnstructuredGrid |
vtkCharArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of char |
vtkCleanPolyData | Merge duplicate points, and/or remove unused points and/or remove degenerate cells |
vtkClipDataSet | Clip any dataset with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data |
vtkClipPolyData | Clip polygonal data with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data |
vtkClipVolume | Clip volume data with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data |
vtkCocoaGLView | Cocoa OpenGL rendering context |
vtkCocoaRenderWindow | Cocoa OpenGL rendering window |
vtkCocoaRenderWindowInteractor | Implements Cocoa specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor |
vtkCocoaWindow | Access Cocoa NSWindow context |
vtkCollection | Create and manipulate unsorted lists of objects |
vtkCollectionElement | |
vtkCollectionIterator | Iterator through a vtkCollection |
vtkCollectPolyData | Collect distributed polydata |
vtkColorTransferFunction | Defines a transfer function for mapping a property to an RGB color value |
vtkCommand | Superclass for callback/observer methods |
vtkCommunicator | Used to send/receive messages in a multiprocess environment |
vtkCompositeDataIterator | Abstract superclass for composite data iterators |
vtkCompositeDataPipeline | Executive supporting composite datasets |
vtkCompositeDataSet | Abstact superclass for composite (multi-block or AMR) datasets |
vtkCompositer | Super class for composite algorthms |
vtkCompositeRenderManager | An object to control sort-last parallel rendering |
vtkCompressCompositer | Implements compressed tree based compositing |
vtkCone | Implicit function for a cone |
vtkConeSource | Generate polygonal cone |
vtkConnectivityFilter | Extract data based on geometric connectivity |
vtkContourFilter | Generate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values |
vtkContourGrid | Generate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values (specialized for unstructured grids) |
vtkContourValues | Helper object to manage setting and generating contour values |
vtkConvexPointSet | 3D cell defined by a set of convex points |
vtkCoordinate | Perform coordinate transformation, and represent position, in a variety of vtk coordinate systems |
vtkCornerAnnotation | Text annotation in four corners |
vtkCriticalSection | Critical section locking class |
vtkCubeAxesActor2D | Create a 2D plot of a bounding box edges - used for navigation |
vtkCubeSource | Create a polygonal representation of a cube |
vtkCuller | Superclass for prop cullers |
vtkCullerCollection | List of Cullers |
vtkCursor3D | Generate a 3D cursor representation |
vtkCurvatures | Compute curvatures (Gauss and mean) of a Polydata object |
vtkCutMaterial | Automatically computes the cut plane for a material array pair |
vtkCutter | Cut vtkDataSet with user-specified implicit function |
vtkCylinder | Implicit function for a cylinder |
vtkCylinderSource | Generate a cylinder centered at origin |
vtkCylindricalTransform | Cylindrical to rectangular coords and back |
vtkDashedStreamLine | Generate constant-time dashed streamline in arbitrary dataset |
vtkDataArray | Abstract superclass for arrays |
vtkDataArrayCollection | Maintain an unordered list of dataarray objects |
vtkDataArrayCollectionIterator | Iterator through a vtkDataArrayCollection |
vtkDataArraySelection | Store on/off settings for data arrays for a vtkSource |
vtkDataArrayTemplate< T > | Implementation template for vtkDataArray |
vtkDataCompressor | Abstract interface for data compression classes |
vtkDataObject | General representation of visualization data |
vtkDataObjectAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce only data object as output |
vtkDataObjectCollection | Maintain an unordered list of data objects |
vtkDataObjectReader | Read vtk field data file |
vtkDataObjectSource | Abstract class specifies interface for field source (or objects that generate field output) |
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter | Map field data to concrete dataset |
vtkDataObjectWriter | Write vtk field data |
vtkDataReader | Helper superclass for objects that read vtk data files |
vtkDataSet | Abstract class to specify dataset behavior |
vtkDataSetAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce output of the same type as input |
vtkDataSetAttributes | Represent and manipulate attribute data in a dataset |
vtkDataSetAttributes::FieldList | |
vtkDataSetCollection | Maintain an unordered list of dataset objects |
vtkDataSetMapper | Map vtkDataSet and derived classes to graphics primitives |
vtkDataSetReader | Class to read any type of vtk dataset |
vtkDataSetSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate datasets |
vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter | Extracts outer (polygonal) surface |
vtkDataSetToDataObjectFilter | Map dataset into data object (i.e., a field) |
vtkDataSetToDataSetFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToImageFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToStructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToStructuredPointsFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetTriangleFilter | Triangulate any type of dataset |
vtkDataSetWriter | Write any type of vtk dataset to file |
vtkDataWriter | Helper class for objects that write vtk data files |
vtkDebugLeaks | Identify memory leaks at program termination |
vtkDebugLeaksManager | Manages the vtkDebugLeaks singleton |
vtkDecimatePro | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
vtkDecimatePro::LocalTri | |
vtkDecimatePro::LocalVertex | |
vtkDecimatePro::TriArray | |
vtkDecimatePro::VertexArray | |
vtkDelaunay2D | Create 2D Delaunay triangulation of input points |
vtkDelaunay3D | Create 3D Delaunay triangulation of input points |
vtkDemandDrivenPipeline | Executive supporting on-demand execution |
vtkDEMReader | Read a digital elevation model (DEM) file |
vtkDepthSortPolyData | Sort poly data along camera view direction |
vtkDicer | Abstract superclass to divide dataset into pieces |
vtkDICOMImageReader | Reads some DICOM images |
vtkDirectionEncoder | Encode a direction into a one or two byte value |
vtkDirectory | OS independent class for access to system directories |
vtkDiscreteMarchingCubes | Generate object boundaries from labelled volumes |
vtkDiskSource | Create a disk with hole in center |
vtkDistributedDataFilter | Distribute data among processors |
vtkDistributedStreamTracer | Distributed streamline generator |
vtkDoubleArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of double |
vtkDSPFilterDefinition | |
vtkDSPFilterGroup | |
vtkDummyController | Dummy controller for single process applications |
vtkDuplicatePolyData | For distributed tiled displays |
vtkDynamicLoader | Class interface to system dynamic libraries |
vtkEarthSource | Create the continents of the Earth as a sphere |
vtkEdgePoints | Generate points on isosurface |
vtkEdgeTable | Keep track of edges (edge is pair of integer id's) |
vtkElevationFilter | Generate scalars along a specified direction |
vtkEllipticalButtonSource | Create a ellipsoidal-shaped button |
vtkEmptyCell | Empty cell used as a place-holder during processing |
vtkEncodedGradientEstimator | Superclass for gradient estimation |
vtkEncodedGradientShader | Compute shading tables for encoded normals |
vtkEnSight6BinaryReader | Class to read binary EnSight6 files |
vtkEnSight6Reader | Class to read EnSight6 files |
vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader | Class to read binary EnSight Gold files |
vtkEnSightGoldReader | Class to read EnSight Gold files |
vtkEnSightMasterServerReader | Reader for compund EnSight files |
vtkEnSightReader | Superclass for EnSight file readers |
vtkEnSightWriter | Write vtk unstructured grid data as an EnSight file |
vtkErrorCode | Superclass for error codes |
vtkEventForwarderCommand | Simple event forwarder command |
vtkExecutive | Superclass for all pipeline executives in VTK |
vtkExodusIIWriter | Write Exodus II files |
vtkExodusModel | |
vtkExodusReader | Read exodus 2 files .ex2 |
vtkExplicitCell | Abstract superclass for cells requiring an explicit representation |
vtkExporter | Abstract class to write a scene to a file |
vtkExtentSplitter | Split an extent across other extents |
vtkExtentTranslator | Generates a structured extent from unstructured |
vtkExtractCells | Subset a vtkDataSet to create a vtkUnstructuredGrid |
vtkExtractCTHPart | Generates surface of an CTH volume fraction |
vtkExtractDataOverTime | Extract point data from a time sequence for a specified point id |
vtkExtractEdges | Extract cell edges from any type of data |
vtkExtractGeometry | Extract cells that lie either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function |
vtkExtractGrid | Select piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured grid dataset |
vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry | Extract vtkPolyData cells that lies either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function |
vtkExtractPolyDataPiece | Return specified piece, including specified number of ghost levels |
vtkExtractRectilinearGrid | Extract a sub grid (VOI) from the structured rectilinear dataset |
vtkExtractTensorComponents | Extract parts of tensor and create a scalar, vector, normal, or texture coordinates |
vtkExtractUnstructuredGrid | Extract subset of unstructured grid geometry |
vtkExtractUnstructuredGridPiece | Return specified piece, including specified number of ghost levels |
vtkExtractUserDefinedPiece | Return user specified piece with ghost cells |
vtkExtractVectorComponents | Extract components of vector as separate scalars |
vtkExtractVOI | Select piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured points dataset |
vtkFacetReader | Reads a dataset in Facet format |
vtkFacetWriter | Reads a dataset in Facet format |
vtkFastNumericConversion | Enables fast conversion of floating point to fixed point |
vtkFeatureEdges | Extract boundary, non-manifold, and/or sharp edges from polygonal data |
vtkFieldData | Represent and manipulate fields of data |
vtkFieldData::BasicIterator | |
vtkFieldData::CopyFieldFlag | |
vtkFieldData::Iterator | |
vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter | Map field data to dataset attribute data |
vtkFileOutputWindow | File Specific output window class |
vtkFilteringInformationKeyManager | Manages key types in vtkFiltering |
vtkFiniteDifferenceGradientEstimator | Use finite differences to estimate gradient |
vtkFixedPointRayCastImage | Helper class for a ray cast image |
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOHelper | A helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper |
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeGOShadeHelper | A helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper |
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeHelper | A helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper |
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastCompositeShadeHelper | A helper that generates composite images for the volume ray cast mapper |
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastHelper | An abstract helper that generates images for the volume ray cast mapper |
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper | A fixed point mapper for volumes |
vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMIPHelper | A helper that generates MIP images for the volume ray cast mapper |
vtkFloatArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of float |
vtkFollower | Subclass of actor that always faces the camera |
vtkFreeTypeUtilities | FreeType library support |
vtkFreeTypeUtilities::Entry | |
vtkFreeTypeUtilitiesCleanup | |
vtkFrustumCoverageCuller | Cull props based on frustum coverage |
vtkFunctionParser | Parse and evaluate a mathematical expression |
vtkFunctionSet | Abstract inteface for sets of functions |
vtkGAMBITReader | Reads a dataset in Fluent GAMBIT neutral file format |
vtkGarbageCollector | Detect and break reference loops |
vtkGarbageCollectorManager | Manages the vtkGarbageCollector singleton |
vtkGaussianCubeReader | Read ASCII Gaussian Cube Data files |
vtkGaussianSplatter | Splat points into a volume with an elliptical, Gaussian distribution |
vtkGeneralTransform | Allows operations on any transforms |
vtkGenericAdaptorCell | Defines cell interface |
vtkGenericAttribute | Abstract class defined API for attribute data |
vtkGenericAttributeCollection | Collection of attributes |
vtkGenericCell | Thread-safe access to cells |
vtkGenericCellIterator | Iterator used to traverse cells |
vtkGenericCellTessellator | Helper class to perform cell tessellation |
vtkGenericClip | Clip any dataset with an implicit function or scalar data |
vtkGenericContourFilter | Generate isocontours from input dataset |
vtkGenericCutter | Cut a vtkGenericDataSet with an implicit function or scalar data |
vtkGenericDataSet | Defines dataset interface |
vtkGenericDataSetAlgorithm | Objects that generate adapted data sets |
vtkGenericDataSetTessellator | Tessellates generic, higher-order datasets into linear cells |
vtkGenericEdgeTable | Keep track of edges (defined by pair of integer id's) |
vtkGenericEdgeTable::EdgeEntry | |
vtkGenericEdgeTable::PointEntry | |
vtkGenericEnSightReader | Class to read any type of EnSight files |
vtkGenericGeometryFilter | Extract geometry from data (or convert data to polygonal type) |
vtkGenericGlyph3DFilter | Copy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point |
vtkGenericInterpolatedVelocityField | Interface for obtaining interpolated velocity values |
vtkGenericMovieWriter | Abstract movie writer class |
vtkGenericOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for arbitrary generic data set |
vtkGenericPointIterator | Iterator used to traverse points |
vtkGenericProbeFilter | Sample data values at specified point locations |
vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor | Platform-independent programmable render window interactor |
vtkGenericStreamTracer | Streamline generator |
vtkGenericStreamTracer::IntervalInformation | |
vtkGenericSubdivisionErrorMetric | Objects that compute error during cell tessellation |
vtkGeometricErrorMetric | Objects that compute geometry-based error during cell tessellation |
vtkGeometryFilter | Extract geometry from data (or convert data to polygonal type) |
vtkGESignaReader | Read GE Signa ximg files |
vtkGL2PSExporter | Export a scene as a PostScript file using GL2PS |
vtkgluPickMatrix | Implement selected glu functionality |
vtkGlyph2D | Copy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point (2D specialization) |
vtkGlyph3D | Copy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point |
vtkGlyphSource2D | Create 2D glyphs represented by vtkPolyData |
vtkGraphicsFactory | |
vtkGraphLayoutFilter | Nice layout of undirected graphs in 3D |
vtkGreedyTerrainDecimation | Reduce height field (represented as image) to reduced TIN |
vtkGridSynchronizedTemplates3D | Generate isosurface from structured grids |
vtkGridTransform | Nonlinear warp transformation |
vtkHDSNode | |
vtkHDSNodeRef | |
vtkHeap | Replacement for malloc/free and new/delete |
vtkHedgeHog | Create oriented lines from vector data |
vtkHexagonalPrism | 3D cell that represents a prism with hexagonal base |
vtkHexahedron | Cell that represents a linear 3D hexahedron |
vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet | Hierarchical dataset of vtkUniformGrids |
vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSetInternal | |
vtkHierarchicalDataExtractDataSets | Extract a number of datasets |
vtkHierarchicalDataExtractDataSets::DataSetNode | |
vtkHierarchicalDataExtractLevel | Extact levels between min and max |
vtkHierarchicalDataInformation | Hierarchical information collection |
vtkHierarchicalDataIterator | Iterator to access datasets in a vtkHierarchicalDataIterator |
vtkHierarchicalDataLevelFilter | Generate scalars from levels |
vtkHierarchicalDataSet | Abstract superclass for hierarchical datasets |
vtkHierarchicalDataSetAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce only vtkHierarchicalDataSet as output |
vtkHierarchicalDataSetGeometryFilter | Extract geometry from hierarchical data |
vtkHierarchicalDataSetInternal | Internal structure for vtkHierarchicalDataSet |
vtkHierarchicalPolyDataMapper | Class that renders hierarchical polygonal data |
vtkHomogeneousTransform | Superclass for homogeneous transformations |
vtkHull | Produce an n-sided convex hull |
vtkHyperStreamline | Generate hyperstreamline in arbitrary dataset |
vtkIdentityTransform | Transform that doesn't do anything |
vtkIdFilter | Generate scalars or field data from point and cell ids |
vtkIdList | List of point or cell ids |
vtkIdListCollection | Maintain an unordered list of dataarray objects |
vtkIdTypeArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType |
vtkImage2DIslandPixel | |
vtkImageAccumulate | Generalized histograms up to 4 dimensions |
vtkImageActor | Draw an image (data & properties) in a rendered 3D scene |
vtkImageAlgorithm | Generic algorithm superclass for image algs |
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion2D | Edge preserving smoothing |
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D | Edge preserving smoothing |
vtkImageAppend | Collects data from multiple inputs into one image |
vtkImageAppendComponents | Collects components from two inputs into one output |
vtkImageBlend | Blend images together using alpha or opacity |
vtkImageButterworthHighPass | Frequency domain high pass |
vtkImageButterworthLowPass | Frequency domain Low pass |
vtkImageCacheFilter | Caches multiple vtkImageData objects |
vtkImageCanvasSource2D | Paints on a canvas |
vtkImageCast | Image Data type Casting Filter |
vtkImageChangeInformation | Modify spacing, origin and extent |
vtkImageCheckerboard | Show two images at once using a checkboard pattern |
vtkImageCityBlockDistance | 1,2 or 3D distance map |
vtkImageClip | Reduces the image extent of the input |
vtkImageComplex | |
vtkImageConnector | Create a binary image of a sphere |
vtkImageConnectorSeed | |
vtkImageConstantPad | Makes image larger by padding with constant |
vtkImageContinuousDilate3D | Dilate implemented as a maximum |
vtkImageContinuousErode3D | Erosion implemented as a minimum |
vtkImageConvolve | Convolution of an image with a kernel |
vtkImageCorrelation | Correlation imageof the two inputs |
vtkImageCursor3D | Paints a cursor on top of an image or volume |
vtkImageData | Topologically and geometrically regular array of data |
vtkImageDataGeometryFilter | Extract geometry for structured points |
vtkImageDataStreamer | Initiates streaming on image data |
vtkImageDecomposeFilter | Filters that execute axes in series |
vtkImageDifference | Compares images for regression tests |
vtkImageDilateErode3D | Dilates one value and erodes another |
vtkImageDivergence | Divergence of a vector field |
vtkImageDotProduct | Dot product of two vector images |
vtkImageEllipsoidSource | Create a binary image of an ellipsoid |
vtkImageEuclideanDistance | Computes 3D Euclidean DT |
vtkImageEuclideanToPolar | Converts 2D Euclidean coordinates to polar |
vtkImageExport | Export VTK images to third-party systems |
vtkImageExtractComponents | Outputs a single component |
vtkImageFFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
vtkImageFlip | This flips an axis of an image. Right becomes left .. |
vtkImageFourierCenter | Shifts constant frequency to center for display |
vtkImageFourierFilter | Superclass that implements complex numbers |
vtkImageGaussianSmooth | Performs a gaussian convolution |
vtkImageGaussianSource | Create an image with Gaussian pixel values |
vtkImageGradient | Computes the gradient vector |
vtkImageGradientMagnitude | Computes magnitude of the gradient |
vtkImageGridSource | Create an image of a grid |
vtkImageHSIToRGB | Converts HSI components to RGB |
vtkImageHSVToRGB | Converts HSV components to RGB |
vtkImageHybridMedian2D | Median filter that preserves lines and corners |
vtkImageIdealHighPass | Simple frequency domain band pass |
vtkImageIdealLowPass | Simple frequency domain band pass |
vtkImageImport | Import data from a C array |
vtkImageImportExecutive | |
vtkImageInPlaceFilter | Filter that operates in place |
vtkImageIslandRemoval2D | Removes small clusters in masks |
vtkImageIterateFilter | Multiple executes per update |
vtkImageIterator< DType > | Simple image iterator |
vtkImageLaplacian | Computes divergence of gradient |
vtkImageLogarithmicScale | Passes each pixel through log function |
vtkImageLogic | And, or, xor, nand, nor, not |
vtkImageLuminance | Computes the luminance of the input |
vtkImageMagnify | Magnify an image by an integer value |
vtkImageMagnitude | Colapses components with magnitude function. |
vtkImageMandelbrotSource | Mandelbrot image |
vtkImageMapper | 2D image display |
vtkImageMapToColors | Map the input image through a lookup table |
vtkImageMapToRGBA | Map the input image through a lookup table |
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors | Map the input image through a lookup table and window / level it |
vtkImageMarchingCubes | Generate isosurface(s) from volume/images |
vtkImageMask | Combines a mask and an image |
vtkImageMaskBits | Applies a bit-mask pattern to each component |
vtkImageMathematics | Add, subtract, multiply, divide, invert, sin, cos, exp, log |
vtkImageMedian3D | Median Filter |
vtkImageMirrorPad | Extra pixels are filled by mirror images |
vtkImageMultipleInputFilter | Generic filter that has N inputs |
vtkImageMultipleInputOutputFilter | Generic filter that has N inputs |
vtkImageNoiseSource | Create an image filled with noise |
vtkImageNonMaximumSuppression | Performs non-maximum suppression |
vtkImageNormalize | Normalizes that scalar components for each point |
vtkImageOpenClose3D | Will perform opening or closing |
vtkImagePadFilter | Super class for filters that fill in extra pixels |
vtkImagePermute | Permutes axes of input |
vtkImagePlaneWidget | 3D widget for reslicing image data |
vtkImageProgressIterator< DType > | Simple image iterator with progress |
vtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndex | Generalized histograms up to 4 dimensions |
vtkImageRange3D | Max - min of a circular neighborhood |
vtkImageReader | Superclass of transformable binary file readers |
vtkImageReader2 | Superclass of binary file readers |
vtkImageReader2Collection | Maintain a list of implicit functions |
vtkImageReader2Factory | Superclass of binary file readers |
vtkImageRectilinearWipe | Make a rectilinear combination of two images |
vtkImageResample | Resamples an image to be larger or smaller |
vtkImageReslice | Reslices a volume along a new set of axes |
vtkImageRFFT | Reverse Fast Fourier Transform |
vtkImageRGBToHSI | Converts RGB components to HSI |
vtkImageRGBToHSV | Converts RGB components to HSV |
vtkImageSeedConnectivity | SeedConnectivity with user defined seeds |
vtkImageSeparableConvolution | 3 1D convolutions on an image |
vtkImageShiftScale | Shift and scale an input image |
vtkImageShrink3D | Subsamples an image |
vtkImageSinusoidSource | Create an image with sinusoidal pixel values |
vtkImageSkeleton2D | Skeleton of 2D images |
vtkImageSobel2D | Computes a vector field using sobel functions |
vtkImageSobel3D | Computes a vector field using sobel functions |
vtkImageSource | Source of data for the imaging pipeline |
vtkImageSpatialAlgorithm | Filters that operate on pixel neighborhoods |
vtkImageSpatialFilter | Filters that operate on pixel neighborhoods |
vtkImageStencil | Combine images via a cookie-cutter operation |
vtkImageStencilData | Efficient description of an image stencil |
vtkImageStencilSource | Helper class for clipping images |
vtkImageThreshold | Flexible threshold |
vtkImageToImageAlgorithm | Generic filter that has one input. |
vtkImageToImageFilter | Generic filter that has one input. |
vtkImageToImageStencil | Clip an image with a mask image |
vtkImageToPolyDataFilter | Generate linear primitives (vtkPolyData) from an image |
vtkImageToStructuredPoints | Attaches image pipeline to VTK |
vtkImageTracerWidget | 3D widget for tracing on planar props |
vtkImageTranslateExtent | Changes extent, nothing else |
vtkImageTwoInputFilter | Generic superclass for filters that have two inputs |
vtkImageVariance3D | Variance in a neighborhood |
vtkImageViewer | Display a 2d image |
vtkImageViewer2 | Display a 2D image |
vtkImageWrapPad | Makes an image larger by wrapping existing data |
vtkImageWriter | Writes images to files |
vtkImagingFactory | |
vtkImplicitBoolean | Implicit function consisting of boolean combinations of implicit functions |
vtkImplicitDataSet | Treat a dataset as if it were an implicit function |
vtkImplicitFunction | Abstract interface for implicit functions |
vtkImplicitFunctionCollection | Maintain a list of implicit functions |
vtkImplicitFunctionToImageStencil | Clip an image with a function |
vtkImplicitModeller | Compute distance from input geometry on structured point dataset |
vtkImplicitPlaneWidget | 3D widget for manipulating an infinite plane |
vtkImplicitSelectionLoop | Implicit function for a selection loop |
vtkImplicitSum | Implicit sum of other implicit functions |
vtkImplicitTextureCoords | Generate 1D, 2D, or 3D texture coordinates based on implicit function(s) |
vtkImplicitVolume | Treat a volume as if it were an implicit function |
vtkImplicitWindowFunction | Implicit function maps another implicit function to lie within a specified range |
vtkImporter | Importer abstract class |
vtkIndent | Simple class to control print indentation |
vtkInformation | Store vtkAlgorithm input/output information |
vtkInformationDataObjectKey | Key for vtkDataObject values |
vtkInformationDoubleKey | Key for double values in vtkInformation |
vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey | Key for double vector values |
vtkInformationExecutivePortKey | Key for vtkExecutive/Port value pairs |
vtkInformationExecutivePortVectorKey | Key for vtkExecutive/Port value pair vectors |
vtkInformationIdTypeKey | Key for vtkIdType values in vtkInformation |
vtkInformationInformationKey | Key for vtkInformation values |
vtkInformationInformationVectorKey | Key for vtkInformation vectors |
vtkInformationIntegerKey | Key for integer values in vtkInformation |
vtkInformationIntegerPointerKey | Key for pointer to integer |
vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey | Key for integer vector values |
vtkInformationKey | Superclass for vtkInformation keys |
vtkInformationKeyVectorKey | Key for vector-of-keys values |
vtkInformationObjectBaseKey | Key for vtkObjectBase values |
vtkInformationRequestKey | Key for pointer to pointer |
vtkInformationStringKey | Key for string values in vtkInformation |
vtkInformationUnsignedLongKey | Key for unsigned long values in vtkInformation |
vtkInformationVector | Store zero or more vtkInformation instances |
vtkInitialValueProblemSolver | Integrate a set of ordinary differential equations (initial value problem) in time |
vtkInputStream | Wraps a binary input stream with a VTK interface |
vtkInstantiator | Create an instance of any VTK class from its name |
vtkInstantiatorInitialize | |
vtkIntArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of int |
vtkInteractorEventRecorder | Record and play VTK events passing through a vtkRenderWindowInteractor |
vtkInteractorObserver | Abstract superclass for classes observing events invoked by vtkRenderWindowInteractor |
vtkInteractorStyle | Provide event-driven interface to the rendering window (defines trackball mode) |
vtkInteractorStyleFlight | Flight motion routines |
vtkInteractorStyleImage | Interactive manipulation of the camera specialized for images |
vtkInteractorStyleJoystickActor | Manipulate objects in the scene independently of one another |
vtkInteractorStyleJoystickCamera | Interactive manipulation of the camera |
vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoom | Zoom in by amount indicated by rubber band box |
vtkInteractorStyleSwitch | Class to swap between interactory styles |
vtkInteractorStyleTerrain | Manipulate camera in scene with natural view up (e.g., terrain) |
vtkInteractorStyleTrackball | Trackball motion control |
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActor | Manipulate objects in the scene independent of each other |
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera | Interactive manipulation of the camera |
vtkInteractorStyleUnicam | Unicam navigation style |
vtkInteractorStyleUser | Customizable interaction routines |
vtkInterpolateDataSetAttributes | Interpolate scalars, vectors, etc. and other dataset attributes |
vtkInterpolatedVelocityField | Interface for obtaining interpolated velocity values |
vtkInterpolatingSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using an Interpolating Scheme |
vtkIOStream | Include C++ iostreams as used by VTK |
vtkIOStreamFwd | Forward-declare C++ iostreams as used by VTK |
vtkIterativeClosestPointTransform | Implementation of the ICP algorithm |
vtkIVExporter | Export a scene into OpenInventor 2.0 format |
vtkIVWriter | Export polydata into OpenInventor 2.0 format |
vtkJPEGReader | Read JPEG files |
vtkJPEGWriter | Writes JPEG files |
vtkKdNode | This class represents a single spatial region in an 3D axis aligned binary spatial partitioning. It is assumed the region bounds some set of points. Regions are represented as nodes in a binary tree |
vtkKdTree | Kd-tree spatial decomposition of a set of points |
vtkKochanekSpline | Computes an interpolating spline using a Kochanek basis |
vtkLabeledDataMapper | Draw text labels at dataset points |
vtkLandmarkTransform | Linear transform specified by two corresponding point sets |
vtkLargeInteger | Class for arbitrarily large ints |
vtkLegendBoxActor | Draw symbols with text |
vtkLight | Virtual light for 3D rendering |
vtkLightCollection | List of lights |
vtkLightKit | Simple but quality lighting kit |
vtkLine | Cell represents a 1D line |
vtkLinearExtrusionFilter | Sweep polygonal data creating a "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices |
vtkLinearSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using the Linear Scheme |
vtkLinearTransform | Abstract superclass for linear transformations |
vtkLineSource | Create a line defined by two end points |
vtkLineWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a line |
vtkLinkEdgels | Links edgels together to form digital curves |
vtkLocator | Abstract base class for objects that accelerate spatial searches |
vtkLODActor | Actor that supports multiple levels of detail |
vtkLODProp3D | Level of detail 3D prop |
vtkLODProp3DEntry | |
vtkLogLookupTable | Map scalars into colors using log (base 10) scale |
vtkLongArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of long |
vtkLongLongArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of long long |
vtkLookupTable | Map scalar values into colors via a lookup table |
vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using the Loop Scheme |
vtkMapper | Abstract class specifies interface to map data to graphics primitives |
vtkMapper2D | Abstract class specifies interface for objects which render 2D actors |
vtkMapperCollection | List of mappers |
vtkMarchingContourFilter | Generate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values |
vtkMarchingCubes | Generate isosurface(s) from volume |
vtkMarchingSquares | Generate isoline(s) from structured points set |
vtkMaskFields | Allow control of which fields get passed to the output |
vtkMaskFields::CopyFieldFlag | |
vtkMaskPoints | Selectively filter points |
vtkMaskPolyData | Sample subset of input polygonal data cells |
vtkMassProperties | Estimate volume, area, shape index of triangle mesh |
vtkMath | Performs common math operations |
vtkMatrix4x4 | Represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices |
vtkMatrixToHomogeneousTransform | Convert a matrix to a transform |
vtkMatrixToLinearTransform | Convert a matrix to a transform |
vtkMCubesReader | Read binary marching cubes file |
vtkMCubesWriter | Write binary marching cubes file |
vtkMedicalImageProperties | Some medical image properties |
vtkMedicalImageReader2 | VtkImageReader2 with medical meta data |
vtkMemoryLimitImageDataStreamer | Initiates streaming on image data |
vtkMergeCells | Merges any number of vtkDataSets back into a single vtkUnstructuredGrid |
vtkMergeDataObjectFilter | Merge dataset and data object field to create dataset with attribute data |
vtkMergeFields | Merge multiple fields into one |
vtkMergeFields::Component | |
vtkMergeFilter | Extract separate components of data from different datasets |
vtkMergePoints | Merge exactly coincident points |
vtkMesaActor | Mesa actor |
vtkMesaCamera | Mesa camera |
vtkMesaFreeTypeTextMapper | 2D Text annotation support |
vtkMesaImageActor | Mesa texture map |
vtkMesaImageMapper | 2D image display support for Mesa |
vtkMesaLight | Mesa light |
vtkMesaPolyDataMapper | PolyDataMapper for the Mesa library |
vtkMesaPolyDataMapper2D | 2D PolyData support for Mesa |
vtkMesaProperty | Mesa property |
vtkMesaRayCastImageDisplayHelper | Mesa subclass that draws the image to the screen |
vtkMesaRenderer | OpenGL renderer |
vtkMesaRenderWindow | Mesa rendering window |
vtkMesaTexture | Mesa texture map |
vtkMesaVolumeTextureMapper2D | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkMeshQuality | Calculate measures of quality of a mesh |
vtkMetaImageReader | Read binary UNC meta image data |
vtkMetaImageWriter | Write a binary UNC meta image data |
vtkMILVideoSource | Matrox Imaging Library frame grabbers |
vtkModelMetadata | This class encapsulates the metadata that appear in mesh-based file formats but do not appear in vtkUnstructuredGrid. It can pack itself into the field arrays of a vtkUnstructuredGrid, and be unpacked by metadata aware filters and writers later on |
vtkMoleculeReaderBase | Read Molecular Data files |
vtkMPEG2Writer | Writes MPEG2 Movie files |
vtkMPICommunicator | Class for creating user defined MPI communicators |
vtkMPICommunicator::Request | |
vtkMPIController | Process communication using MPI |
vtkMPIEventLog | Class for logging and timing |
vtkMPIGroup | Class for creating MPI groups |
vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader | Read PLOT3D data files |
vtkMultiPartExtentTranslator | Returns the whole extent for any piece |
vtkMultiProcessController | Multiprocessing communication superclass |
vtkMultiThreader | A class for performing multithreaded execution |
vtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfo | |
vtkMutexLock | Mutual exclusion locking class |
vtkNonLinearCell | Abstract superclass for non-linear cells |
vtkOBBDicer | Divide dataset into spatially aggregated pieces |
vtkOBBNode | |
vtkOBBTree | Generate oriented bounding box (OBB) tree |
vtkObject | Abstract base class for most VTK objects |
vtkObjectBase | Abstract base class for most VTK objects |
vtkObjectFactory | Abstract base class for vtkObjectFactories |
vtkObjectFactory::OverrideInformation | |
vtkObjectFactoryCollection | Maintain a list of object factories |
vtkOBJExporter | Export a scene into Wavefront format |
vtkOBJReader | Read Wavefront .obj files |
OffsetsManager | Helper class due to PIMPL excess |
OffsetsManagerArray | |
OffsetsManagerGroup | |
vtkOldStyleCallbackCommand | Supports legacy function callbacks for VTK |
vtkOOGLExporter | Export a scene into Geomview OOGL format |
vtkOpenGLActor | OpenGL actor |
vtkOpenGLCamera | OpenGL camera |
vtkOpenGLExtensionManager | Interface class for querying and using OpenGL extensions |
vtkOpenGLFreeTypeTextMapper | 2D Text annotation support |
vtkOpenGLImageActor | OpenGL texture map |
vtkOpenGLImageMapper | 2D image display support for OpenGL |
vtkOpenGLLight | OpenGL light |
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper | PolyDataMapper for the OpenGL library |
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper2D | 2D PolyData support for OpenGL |
vtkOpenGLProperty | OpenGL property |
vtkOpenGLRayCastImageDisplayHelper | OpenGL subclass that draws the image to the screen |
vtkOpenGLRenderer | OpenGL renderer |
vtkOpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkOpenGLStateCache | Checks for redundancies in state-change requests |
vtkOpenGLTexture | OpenGL texture map |
vtkOpenGLVolumeProVP1000Mapper | Concrete class for VolumePRO mapper |
vtkOpenGLVolumeShearWarpMapper | Class for a Shear Warp Volume Mapper |
vtkOpenGLVolumeTextureMapper2D | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkOpenGLVolumeTextureMapper3D | Concrete implementation of 3D volume texture mapping |
vtkOrderedTriangulator | Helper class to generate triangulations |
vtkOrientationMarkerWidget | 2D widget for manipulating a marker prop |
vtkOStreamWrapper | Wrapper for C++ ostream. Internal VTK use only |
vtkOStreamWrapper::EndlType | |
vtkOStrStreamWrapper | Wrapper for ostrstream. Internal VTK use only |
vtkOutlineCornerFilter | Create wireframe outline corners for arbitrary data set |
vtkOutlineCornerSource | Create wireframe outline corners around bounding box |
vtkOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for arbitrary data set |
vtkOutlineSource | Create wireframe outline around bounding box |
vtkOutputStream | Wraps a binary output stream with a VTK interface |
vtkOutputWindow | Base class for writing debug output to a console |
vtkOutputWindowCleanup | |
vtkOverrideInformation | Factory object override information |
vtkOverrideInformationCollection | Maintain a list of override information objects |
vtkParallelCoordinatesActor | Create parallel coordinate display from input field |
vtkParallelFactory | |
vtkParallelRenderManager | An object to control parallel rendering |
vtkParallelRenderManager::LightInfoDouble | |
vtkParallelRenderManager::RendererInfoDouble | |
vtkParallelRenderManager::RendererInfoInt | |
vtkParallelRenderManager::RenderWindowInfoDouble | |
vtkParallelRenderManager::RenderWindowInfoInt | |
vtkParametricBoy | Generate Boy's surface |
vtkParametricConicSpiral | Generate conic spiral surfaces that resemble sea-shells |
vtkParametricCrossCap | Generate a cross-cap |
vtkParametricDini | Generate Dini's surface |
vtkParametricEllipsoid | Generate an ellipsoid |
vtkParametricEnneper | Generate Enneper's surface |
vtkParametricFigure8Klein | Generate a figure-8 Klein bottle |
vtkParametricFunction | Abstract interface for parametric functions |
vtkParametricFunctionSource | Tessellate parametric functions |
vtkParametricKlein | Generates a "classical" representation of a Klein bottle |
vtkParametricMobius | Generate a Mobius strip |
vtkParametricRandomHills | Generate a surface covered with randomly placed hills |
vtkParametricRoman | Generate Steiner's Roman Surface |
vtkParametricSpline | Parametric function for 1D interpolating splines |
vtkParametricSuperEllipsoid | Generate a superellipsoid |
vtkParametricSuperToroid | Generate a supertoroid |
vtkParametricTorus | Generate a torus |
vtkParticleReader | Read ASCII or binary particle data and (optionally) one scalar value associated with each particle |
vtkPassThroughFilter | Filter which shallow copies it's input to it's output |
vtkPCAAnalysisFilter | Performs principal component analysis of a set of aligned pointsets |
vtkPCellDataToPointData | Compute point arrays from cell arrays |
vtkPChacoReader | Read Chaco files |
vtkPDataSetReader | Manages reading pieces of a data set |
vtkPDataSetWriter | Manages writing pieces of a data set |
vtkPDBReader | Read Molecular Data files |
vtkPentagonalPrism | 3D cell that represents a prism with pentagonal base |
vtkPerlinNoise | Implicit function that implements Perlin noise |
vtkPerspectiveTransform | Describes a 4x4 matrix transformation |
vtkPExodusReader | Read exodus 2 files .ex2 |
vtkPicker | Superclass for 3D geometric pickers (uses ray cast) |
vtkPieceScalars | Sets all cell scalars from the update piece |
vtkPiecewiseFunction | Defines a 1D piecewise function |
vtkPiecewiseFunctionAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce only piecewise function as output |
vtkPiecewiseFunctionShiftScale | |
vtkPImageWriter | Writes images to files |
vtkPipelineSize | Compute the memory required by a pipeline |
vtkPixel | Cell that represents an orthogonal quadrilateral |
vtkPKdTree | Build a k-d tree decomposition of a list of points |
vtkPlane | Perform various plane computations |
vtkPlaneCollection | Maintain a list of planes |
vtkPlanes | Implicit function for convex set of planes |
vtkPlanesIntersection | A vtkPlanesIntersection object is a vtkPlanes object that can compute whether the arbitrary convex region bounded by it's planes intersects an axis-aligned box |
vtkPlaneSource | Create an array of quadrilaterals located in a plane |
vtkPlaneWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a finite plane |
vtkPlatonicSolidSource | Produce polygonal Platonic solids |
vtkPLinearExtrusionFilter | Subclass that handles piece invariance |
vtkPLOT3DReader | Read PLOT3D data files |
vtkPLYReader | Read Stanford University PLY polygonal file format |
vtkPLYWriter | Write Stanford PLY file format |
vtkPNGReader | Read PNG files |
vtkPNGWriter | Writes PNG files |
vtkPNMReader | Read pnm (i.e., portable anymap) files |
vtkPNMWriter | Writes PNM (portable any map) files |
vtkPointData | Represent and manipulate point attribute data |
vtkPointDataToCellData | Map point data to cell data |
vtkPointLoad | Compute stress tensors given point load on semi-infinite domain |
vtkPointLocator | Quickly locate points in 3-space |
vtkPointPicker | Select a point by shooting a ray into a graphics window |
vtkPoints | Represent and manipulate 3D points |
vtkPointSet | Abstract class for specifying dataset behavior |
vtkPointSetAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce output of the same type as input |
vtkPointSetSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate point data |
vtkPointSetToPointSetFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkPointSource | Create a random cloud of points |
vtkPointsProjectedHull | Convex hull of the orthogonal projection of the vtkPoints in the 3 coordinate directions |
vtkPointWidget | Position a point in 3D space |
vtkPolyData | Concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips |
vtkPolyDataAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output |
vtkPolyDataCollection | Maintain a list of polygonal data objects |
vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter | Extract polygonal data based on geometric connectivity |
vtkPolyDataMapper | Map vtkPolyData to graphics primitives |
vtkPolyDataMapper2D | Draw vtkPolyData onto the image plane |
vtkPolyDataNormals | Compute normals for polygonal mesh |
vtkPolyDataReader | Read vtk polygonal data file |
vtkPolyDataSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate polygonal data |
vtkPolyDataSourceWidget | Abstract PolyDataSource-based 3D widget |
vtkPolyDataStreamer | Stream appends input pieces to the output |
vtkPolyDataToImageStencil | Clip an image with polydata |
vtkPolyDataToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkPolyDataWriter | Write vtk polygonal data |
vtkPolygon | Cell that represents an n-sided polygon |
vtkPolyLine | Cell represents a set of 1D lines |
vtkPolyVertex | Cell represents a set of 0D vertices |
vtkPOPReader | Read POP data files |
vtkPostScriptWriter | Writes an image as a PostScript file |
vtkPOutlineCornerFilter | Create wireframe outline corners for arbitrary data set |
vtkPOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for arbitrary data set |
vtkPPolyDataNormals | Compute normals for polygonal mesh |
vtkPProbeFilter | Probe dataset in parallel |
vtkPriorityQueue | List of ids arranged in priority order |
vtkPriorityQueue::Item | |
vtkProbeFilter | Sample data values at specified point locations |
vtkProcessIdScalars | Sets all cell scalars from the update piece |
vtkProcessObject | Abstract class specifies interface for visualization filters |
vtkProcessStatistics | Get statistics such as cpu and memory usage |
vtkProcrustesAlignmentFilter | Aligns a set of pointsets together |
vtkProgrammableAttributeDataFilter | Manipulate attribute (cell and point) data via a user-specified function |
vtkProgrammableDataObjectSource | Generate source data object via a user-specified function |
vtkProgrammableFilter | User-programmable filter |
vtkProgrammableGlyphFilter | Control the generation and placement of glyphs at input points |
vtkProgrammableSource | Generate source dataset via a user-specified function |
vtkProjectedTerrainPath | Project a polyline onto a terrain |
vtkProjectedTetrahedraMapper | Unstructured grid volume renderer |
vtkProjectedTexture | Assign texture coordinates for a projected texture |
vtkProp | Abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations |
vtkProp3D | 3D object for placement in a rendered scene |
vtkProp3DCollection | List of 3D props |
vtkPropAssembly | Create hierarchies of props |
vtkPropCollection | List of Props |
vtkProperty | Represent surface properties of a geometric object |
vtkProperty2D | Represent surface properties of a 2D image |
vtkPropPicker | Pick an actor/prop using graphics hardware |
vtkPSphereSource | Sphere source that supports pieces |
vtkPStreamTracer | Abstract superclass for parallel streamline generators |
vtkPyramid | 3D cell that represents a linear pyramid |
vtkQuad | Cell that represents a 2D quadrilateral |
vtkQuadraticEdge | Cell represents a parabolic, isoparametric edge |
vtkQuadraticHexahedron | Cell represents a parabolic, 20-node isoparametric hexahedron |
vtkQuadraticPyramid | Cell represents a parabolic, 13-node isoparametric pyramid |
vtkQuadraticQuad | Cell represents a parabolic, 8-node isoparametric quad |
vtkQuadraticTetra | Cell represents a parabolic, 10-node isoparametric tetrahedron |
vtkQuadraticTriangle | Cell represents a parabolic, isoparametric triangle |
vtkQuadraticWedge | Cell represents a parabolic, 15-node isoparametric wedge |
vtkQuadric | Evaluate implicit quadric function |
vtkQuadricClustering | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
vtkQuadricClustering::PointQuadric | |
vtkQuadricDecimation | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
vtkQuadricDecimation::ErrorQuadric | |
vtkQuantizePolyDataPoints | Quantizes x,y,z coordinates of points |
vtkQuaternionInterpolator | Interpolate a quaternion |
vtkRayCastImageDisplayHelper | Helper class that draws the image to the screen |
vtkRayCastRayInfo | |
vtkRayCastStructures | Structure definitions for ray casting |
vtkRearrangeFields | Move/copy fields between field data, point data and cell data |
vtkRearrangeFields::Operation | |
vtkRectangularButtonSource | Create a rectangular button |
vtkRectilinearGrid | Dataset that is topologically regular with variable spacing in the three coordinate directions |
vtkRectilinearGridAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce only rectilinear grid as output |
vtkRectilinearGridClip | Reduces the image extent of the input |
vtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilter | Extract geometry for a rectilinear grid |
vtkRectilinearGridOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for a rectilinear grid |
vtkRectilinearGridReader | Read vtk rectilinear grid data file |
vtkRectilinearGridSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generates rectilinear grid data |
vtkRectilinearGridToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkRectilinearGridToTetrahedra | Create a Tetrahedral mesh from a RectilinearGrid |
vtkRectilinearGridWriter | Write vtk rectilinear grid data file |
vtkRectilinearSynchronizedTemplates | Generate isosurface from rectilinear grid |
vtkRecursiveDividingCubes | Create points lying on isosurface (using recursive approach) |
vtkRecursiveSphereDirectionEncoder | A direction encoder based on the recursive subdivision of an octahedron |
vtkReferenceCount | Obsolete / empty subclass of object |
vtkReflectionFilter | Reflects a data set across a plane |
vtkRegularPolygonSource | Create a regular, n-sided polygon and/or polyline |
vtkRenderer | Abstract specification for renderers |
vtkRendererCollection | List of renderers |
vtkRendererSource | Take a renderer into the pipeline |
vtkRenderLargeImage | Use tiling to generate a large rendering |
vtkRenderWindow | Create a window for renderers to draw into |
vtkRenderWindowCollection | List of RenderWindows |
vtkRenderWindowInteractor | Platform-independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control |
vtkReverseSense | Reverse the ordering of polygonal cells and/or vertex normals |
vtkRibbonFilter | Create oriented ribbons from lines defined in polygonal dataset |
vtkRIBExporter | Export a scene into RenderMan RIB format |
vtkRIBLight | RIP Light |
vtkRIBProperty | RIP Property |
vtkRotationalExtrusionFilter | Sweep polygonal data creating "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices |
vtkRotationFilter | Duplicates a data set by rotation about an axis |
vtkRTAnalyticSource | Create an image for regression testing |
vtkRuledSurfaceFilter | Generates a surface from a set of lines |
vtkRungeKutta2 | Integrate an initial value problem using 2nd order Runge-Kutta method |
vtkRungeKutta4 | Integrate an initial value problem using 4th order Runge-Kutta method |
vtkRungeKutta45 | Integrate an initial value problem using 5th order Runge-Kutta method with adaptive stepsize control |
vtkSampleFunction | Sample an implicit function over a structured point set |
vtkScalarBarActor | Create a scalar bar with labels |
vtkScalarBarWidget | 2D widget for manipulating a scalar bar |
vtkScalarsToColors | Map scalar values into colors |
vtkScalarTree | Organize data according to scalar values (used to accelerate contouring operations) |
vtkScaledTextActor | Create text that will scale as needed |
vtkSelectPolyData | Select portion of polygonal mesh; generate selection scalars |
vtkSelectVisiblePoints | Extract points that are visible (based on z-buffer calculation) |
vtkShearWarpBase | |
vtkShearWarpOctree< T > | |
vtkShearWarpOctreeNode< T > | |
vtkShearWarpOctreeRun | |
vtkShearWarpPixelData | |
vtkShearWarpRLEImage | |
vtkShearWarpRLERun< T > | |
vtkShearWarpRLESlice< T > | |
vtkShearWarpRLEVolume< T > | |
vtkShearWarpSummedAreaTable< T > | |
vtkShearWarpVoxelData< T > | |
vtkShepardMethod | Sample unstructured points onto structured points using the method of Shepard |
vtkShortArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of short |
vtkShrinkFilter | Shrink cells composing an arbitrary data set |
vtkShrinkPolyData | Shrink cells composing PolyData |
vtkSignedCharArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of signed char |
vtkSimpleCellTessellator | Helper class to perform cell tessellation |
vtkSimpleCriticalSection | |
vtkSimpleElevationFilter | Generate scalars along a specified direction |
vtkSimpleImageFilterExample | Simple example of an image-image filter |
vtkSimpleImageToImageFilter | Generic image filter with one input |
vtkSimpleMutexLock | |
vtkSimplePointsReader | Read a list of points from a file |
vtkSimpleScalarTree | Organize data according to scalar values (used to accelerate contouring operations) |
vtkSLCReader | Read an SLC volume file |
vtkSliceCubes | Generate isosurface(s) from volume four slices at a time |
vtkSmartPointer< T > | Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance |
vtkSmartPointerBase | Non-templated superclass for vtkSmartPointer |
vtkSmartPointerBase::NoReference | |
vtkSmoothErrorMetric | Objects that compute geometry-based error during cell tessellation according to some max angle |
vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter | Adjust point positions using Laplacian smoothing |
vtkSocketCommunicator | Process communication using Sockets |
vtkSocketController | Process communication using Sockets |
vtkSortDataArray | Provides several methods for sorting vtk arrays |
vtkSource | Abstract class specifies interface for visualization network source |
vtkSpatialRepresentationFilter | Generate polygonal model of spatial search object (i.e., a vtkLocator) |
vtkSphere | Implicit function for a sphere |
vtkSpherePuzzle | Create a polygonal sphere centered at the origin |
vtkSpherePuzzleArrows | Visualize permutation of the sphere puzzle |
vtkSphereSource | Create a polygonal sphere centered at the origin |
vtkSphereWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a sphere |
vtkSphericalDirectionEncoder | A direction encoder based on spherical coordinates |
vtkSphericalTransform | Spherical to rectangular coords and back |
vtkSpline | Spline abstract class for interpolating splines |
vtkSplineFilter | Generate uniformly subdivided polylines from a set of input polyline using a vtkSpline |
vtkSplineWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a spline |
vtkSplitField | Split a field into single component fields |
vtkSplitField::Component | |
vtkStdString | Wrapper around vtkstd::string to keep symbols short |
vtkSTLReader | Read ASCII or binary stereo lithography files |
vtkSTLWriter | Write stereo lithography files |
vtkStreamer | Abstract object implements integration of massless particle through vector field |
vtkStreamer::StreamArray | |
vtkStreamer::StreamPoint | |
vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline | Executive supporting partial updates |
vtkStreamLine | Generate streamline in arbitrary dataset |
vtkStreamPoints | Generate points along streamer separated by constant time increment |
vtkStreamTracer | Streamline generator |
vtkStreamTracer::IntervalInformation | |
vtkStringArray | Subclass of vtkAbstractArray that holds vtkStdStrings |
vtkStripper | Create triangle strips and/or poly-lines |
vtkStructuredData | Abstract class for topologically regular data |
vtkStructuredGrid | Topologically regular array of data |
vtkStructuredGridAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce only structured grid as output |
vtkStructuredGridClip | Reduces the image extent of the input |
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter | Extract geometry for structured grid |
vtkStructuredGridOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for structured grid |
vtkStructuredGridReader | Read vtk structured grid data file |
vtkStructuredGridSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generates structured grid data |
vtkStructuredGridToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredGridToStructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredGridWriter | Write vtk structured grid data file |
vtkStructuredPoints | A subclass of ImageData |
vtkStructuredPointsCollection | Maintain a list of structured points data objects |
vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter | Obsolete class |
vtkStructuredPointsReader | Read vtk structured points data file |
vtkStructuredPointsSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generates structured Points data |
vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredPointsToStructuredPointsFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredPointsToUnstructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredPointsWriter | Write vtk structured points data file |
vtkStructuredVisibilityConstraint | Helper object to manage the visibility of points and cells |
vtkSubdivideTetra | Subdivide one tetrahedron into twelve for every tetra |
vtkSubGroup | Scalable collective communication for a subset of members of a parallel VTK application |
vtkSubPixelPositionEdgels | Adjust edgel locations based on gradients |
vtkSuperquadric | Implicit function for a Superquadric |
vtkSuperquadricSource | Create a polygonal superquadric centered at the origin |
vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter | Reconstructs a surface from unorganized points |
vtkSynchronizedTemplates2D | Generate isoline(s) from a structured points set |
vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D | Generate isosurface from structured points |
vtkSynchronizedTemplatesCutter3D | Generate cut surface from structured points |
vtkSystemIncludes | Transition VTK to ANSI C++, centralize inclusion of system files |
vtkTableExtentTranslator | Extent translation through lookup table |
vtkTemplateAliasMacro | Dispatch a scalar processing template |
vtkTensor | Supporting class to enable assignment and referencing of tensors |
vtkTensorGlyph | Scale and orient glyph(s) according to tensor eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
vtkTesting | Unified VTK regression testing framework |
vtkTetra | 3D cell that represents a tetrahedron |
vtkTextActor | An actor that displays text. Scaled or unscaled |
vtkTextActor3D | An actor that displays text |
vtkTextMapper | 2D text annotation |
vtkTextProperty | Represent text properties |
vtkTextSource | Create polygonal text |
vtkTexture | Handles properties associated with a texture map |
vtkTexturedSphereSource | Create a sphere centered at the origin |
vtkTextureMapToCylinder | Generate texture coordinates by mapping points to cylinder |
vtkTextureMapToPlane | Generate texture coordinates by mapping points to plane |
vtkTextureMapToSphere | Generate texture coordinates by mapping points to sphere |
vtkThinPlateSplineTransform | Nonlinear warp transformation |
vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm | |
vtkThreadMessager | A class for performing inter-thread messaging |
vtkThreshold | Extracts cells where scalar value in cell satisfies threshold criterion |
vtkThresholdPoints | Extracts points whose scalar value satisfies threshold criterion |
vtkThresholdTextureCoords | Compute 1D, 2D, or 3D texture coordinates based on scalar threshold |
vtkTIFFReader | Read TIFF files |
vtkTIFFWriter | Write out image data as a TIFF file |
vtkTimerLog | Timer support and logging |
vtkTimerLogEntry | |
vtkTimeStamp | Record modification and/or execution time |
vtkTkImageViewerWidget | Tk Widget for viewing vtk images |
vtkTkRenderWidget | Tk Widget for vtk renderering |
vtkTransform | Describes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix |
vtkTransformCollection | Maintain a list of transforms |
vtkTransformConcatenation | |
vtkTransformConcatenationStack | |
vtkTransformFilter | Transform points and associated normals and vectors |
vtkTransformInterpolator | Interpolate a series of transformation matrices |
vtkTransformPair | |
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter | Transform points and associated normals and vectors for polygonal dataset |
vtkTransformTextureCoords | Transform (scale, rotate, translate) texture coordinates |
vtkTransformToGrid | Create a grid for a vtkGridTransform |
vtkTransmitPolyDataPiece | Return specified piece, including specified number of ghost levels |
vtkTransmitUnstructuredGridPiece | Return specified piece, including specified number of ghost levels |
vtkTreeCompositer | Implements tree based compositing |
vtkTriangle | Cell that represents a triangle |
vtkTriangleFilter | Create triangle polygons from input polygons and triangle strips |
vtkTriangleStrip | Cell that represents a triangle strip |
vtkTriangularTCoords | 2D texture coordinates based for triangles |
vtkTriangularTexture | Generate 2D triangular texture map |
vtkTrivialProducer | Producer for stand-alone data objects |
vtkTubeFilter | Filter that generates tubes around lines |
vtkTupleInterpolator | Interpolate a tuple of arbitray size |
vtkTypeTraits | Template defining traits of native types used by VTK |
vtkUGFacetReader | Read EDS Unigraphics facet files |
vtkUniformGrid | Image data with blanking |
vtkUnsigned__Int64Array | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned __int64 |
vtkUnsignedCharArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned char |
vtkUnsignedIntArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned int |
vtkUnsignedLongArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned long |
vtkUnsignedLongLongArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned long long |
vtkUnsignedShortArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned short |
vtkUnstructuredGrid | Dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types |
vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm | Superclass for algorithms that produce only unstructured grid as output |
vtkUnstructuredGridBunykRayCastFunction | Superclass for ray casting functions |
vtkUnstructuredGridBunykRayCastFunction::Intersection | |
vtkUnstructuredGridBunykRayCastFunction::Triangle | |
vtkUnstructuredGridHomogeneousRayIntegrator | Performs peicewise constant ray integration |
vtkUnstructuredGridLinearRayIntegrator | Performs piecewise linear ray integration |
vtkUnstructuredGridPartialPreIntegration | Performs piecewise linear ray integration |
vtkUnstructuredGridPreIntegration | Performs ray integration with pre-integration tables |
vtkUnstructuredGridReader | Read vtk unstructured grid data file |
vtkUnstructuredGridSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate unstructured grid data |
vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkUnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeMapper | Abstract class for a unstructured grid volume mapper |
vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastFunction | Superclass for ray casting functions |
vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastIterator | |
vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayCastMapper | A software mapper for unstructured volumes |
vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeRayIntegrator | Superclass for volume ray integration functions |
vtkUnstructuredGridVolumeZSweepMapper | Unstructured grid volume mapper based the ZSweep Algorithm |
vtkUnstructuredGridWriter | Write vtk unstructured grid data file |
vtkVectorDot | Generate scalars from dot product of vectors and normals (e.g., show displacement plot) |
vtkVectorNorm | Generate scalars from Euclidean norm of vectors |
vtkVectorText | Create polygonal text |
vtkVersion | Versioning class for vtk |
vtkVertex | Cell that represents a 3D point |
vtkVideoSource | Superclass of video input devices for VTK |
vtkViewDependentErrorMetric | Objects that compute a screen-based error during cell tessellation |
vtkViewport | Abstract specification for Viewports |
vtkVisibilitySort | Abstract class that can sort cell data along a viewpoint |
vtkVoidArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of void* pointers |
vtkVolume | Volume (data & properties) in a rendered scene |
vtkVolume16Reader | Read 16 bit image files |
vtkVolumeCollection | List of volumes |
vtkVolumeMapper | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkVolumeProMapper | Superclass for VolumePRO volume rendering mappers |
vtkVolumeProperty | Common properties for rendering a volume |
vtkVolumeProVP1000Mapper | Superclass for VP1000 board |
vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction | Ray function for compositing |
vtkVolumeRayCastDynamicInfo | |
vtkVolumeRayCastFunction | Superclass for ray casting functions |
vtkVolumeRayCastIsosurfaceFunction | An isosurface ray caster for volumes |
vtkVolumeRayCastMapper | A slow but accurate mapper for rendering volumes |
vtkVolumeRayCastMIPFunction | A maximum intensity projection ray caster for volumes |
vtkVolumeRayCastStaticInfo | |
vtkVolumeReader | Read image files |
vtkVolumeRenderingFactory | |
vtkVolumeShearWarpMapper | Abstract class for a Shear Warp Volume Mapper |
vtkVolumeTextureMapper | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkVolumeTextureMapper2D | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkVolumeTextureMapper3D | Volume render with 3D texture mapping |
vtkVoxel | Cell that represents a 3D orthogonal parallelepiped |
vtkVoxelContoursToSurfaceFilter | Create surface from contours |
vtkVoxelModeller | Convert an arbitrary dataset to a voxel representation |
vtkVRMLExporter | Export a scene into VRML 2.0 format |
vtkVRMLImporter | Imports VRML 2.0 files |
vtkWarpLens | Deform geometry by applying lens distortion |
vtkWarpScalar | Deform geometry with scalar data |
vtkWarpTo | Deform geometry by warping towards a point |
vtkWarpTransform | Superclass for nonlinear geometric transformations |
vtkWarpVector | Deform geometry with vector data |
vtkWedge | 3D cell that represents a linear wedge |
vtkWeightedTransformFilter | Transform based on per-point or per-cell weighting functions |
vtkWin32Header | Manage Windows system differences |
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkWin32OutputWindow | Win32 Specific output window class |
vtkWin32ProcessOutputWindow | Win32-specific output window class |
vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor | Implements Win32 specific functions required by vtkRenderWindowInteractor |
vtkWin32VideoSource | Video-for-Windows video digitizer |
vtkWinCEOpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkWindow | Window superclass for vtkRenderWindow |
vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter | Adjust point positions using a windowed sinc function interpolation kernel |
vtkWindowLevelLookupTable | Map scalar values into colors or colors to scalars; generate color table |
vtkWindowToImageFilter | Use a vtkWindow as input to image pipeline |
vtkWorldPointPicker | Find world x,y,z corresponding to display x,y,z |
vtkWriter | Abstract class to write data to file(s) |
vtkXMesaRenderWindow | Mesa rendering window |
vtkXMLDataElement | Represents an XML element and those nested inside |
vtkXMLDataParser | Used by vtkXMLReader to parse VTK XML files |
vtkXMLDataReader | Superclass for VTK XML file readers |
vtkXMLDataSetWriter | Write any type of VTK XML file |
vtkXMLFileOutputWindow | XML File Specific output window class |
vtkXMLFileReadTester | Utility class for vtkXMLReader and subclasses |
vtkXMLImageDataReader | Read VTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLImageDataWriter | Write VTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLParser | Parse XML to handle element tags and attributes |
vtkXMLPDataReader | Superclass for PVTK XML file readers |
vtkXMLPDataSetWriter | Write any type of PVTK XML file |
vtkXMLPDataWriter | Write data in a parallel XML format |
vtkXMLPImageDataReader | Read PVTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLPImageDataWriter | Write PVTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLPolyDataReader | Read VTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPolyDataWriter | Write VTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPPolyDataReader | Read PVTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPPolyDataWriter | Write PVTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPRectilinearGridReader | Read PVTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLPRectilinearGridWriter | Write PVTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLPStructuredDataReader | Superclass for parallel structured data XML readers |
vtkXMLPStructuredDataWriter | Superclass for PVTK XML structured data writers |
vtkXMLPStructuredGridReader | Read PVTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLPStructuredGridWriter | Write PVTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredDataReader | Superclass for parallel unstructured data XML readers |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredDataWriter | Superclass for PVTK XML unstructured data writers |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridReader | Read PVTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter | Write PVTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLReader | Superclass for VTK's XML format readers |
vtkXMLRectilinearGridReader | Read VTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter | Write VTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLStructuredDataReader | Superclass for structured data XML readers |
vtkXMLStructuredDataWriter | Superclass for VTK XML structured data writers |
vtkXMLStructuredGridReader | Read VTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLStructuredGridWriter | Write VTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader | Superclass for unstructured data XML readers |
vtkXMLUnstructuredDataWriter | Superclass for VTK XML unstructured data writers |
vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader | Read VTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter | Write VTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLUtilities | XML utilities |
vtkXMLWriter | Superclass for VTK's XML file writers |
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkXRenderWindowInteractor | X event driven interface for a RenderWindow |
vtkXRenderWindowTclInteractor | TCL event driven interface for a RenderWindow |
vtkXYPlotActor | Generate an x-y plot from input dataset(s) or field data |
vtkXYPlotWidget | 2D widget for manipulating a XY plot |
vtkXYZMolReader | Read Molecular Data files |
vtkZLibDataCompressor | Data compression using zlib |