142#ifndef vtkPolyhedron_h
143#define vtkPolyhedron_h
146#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h"
186 vtkWarningMacro(<<
"vtkPolyhedron::GetEdgePoints Not Implemented");
190 vtkWarningMacro(<<
"vtkPolyhedron::GetFacePoints Not Implemented");
196 vtkWarningMacro(<<
"vtkPolyhedron::GetEdgeToAdjacentFaces Not Implemented");
201 vtkWarningMacro(<<
"vtkPolyhedron::GetFaceToAdjacentFaces Not Implemented");
207 vtkWarningMacro(<<
"vtkPolyhedron::GetPointToIncidentEdges Not Implemented");
214 vtkWarningMacro(<<
"vtkPolyhedron::GetPointToOneRingPoints Not Implemented");
219 vtkWarningMacro(<<
"vtkPolyhedron::GetCentroid Not Implemented");
286 int EvaluatePosition(
const double x[3],
double closestPoint[3],
int& subId,
double pcoords[3],
287 double& dist2,
double weights[])
293 void EvaluateLocation(
int& subId,
const double pcoords[3],
double x[3],
double* weights)
301 int IntersectWithLine(
const double p1[3],
const double p2[3],
double tol,
double& t,
double x[3],
302 double pcoords[3],
int& subId)
345 int subId,
const double pcoords[3],
const double* values,
int dim,
double* derivs)
489 int EdgesGenerated = 0;
502 int FacesGenerated = 0;
505 int BoundsComputed = 0;
511 void GeneratePointToIncidentFacesAndValenceAtPoint() { this->GeneratePointToIncidentFaces(); }
514 int PolyDataConstructed = 0;
517 int LocatorConstructed = 0;
536 void GeneratePointToIncidentFaces();
539 std::vector<std::vector<vtkIdType>> PointToIncidentFaces;
542 std::atomic<bool> IsRandomSequenceSeedInitialized{
false };
abstract class to specify 3D cell interface
object to represent cell connectivity
represent and manipulate cell attribute data
octree-based spatial search object to quickly locate cells
abstract class to specify cell behavior
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
keep track of edges (edge is pair of integer id's)
provides thread-safe access to cells
list of point or cell ids
dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
Abstract class in support of both point location and point insertion.
a simple class to control print indentation
cell represents a 1D line
Park and Miller Sequence of pseudo random numbers.
Allocate and hold a VTK object.
represent and manipulate point attribute data
quickly locate points in 3-space
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
a cell that represents an n-sided polygon
A 3D cell defined by a set of polygonal faces.
vtkIdType GetFacePoints(vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(faceId), const vtkIdType *&vtkNotUsed(pts)) override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
vtkIdType GetPointToIncidentFaces(vtkIdType pointId, const vtkIdType *&faceIds) override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
int RequiresExplicitFaceRepresentation() override
Satisfy the vtkCell API.
vtkCellArray * GetCellFaces()
Get the faces of the polyhedron.
vtkNew< vtkCellArray > GlobalFaces
int SetCellFaces(vtkCellArray *faces)
Set the faces of the polyhedron.
void ShallowCopy(vtkCell *c) override
Shallow copy of a polyhedron.
int GetNumberOfFaces() override
A polyhedron is represented internally by a set of polygonal faces.
void SetFaces(vtkIdType *faces) override
Set the faces of the polyhedron.
int EvaluatePosition(const double x[3], double closestPoint[3], int &subId, double pcoords[3], double &dist2, double weights[]) override
Satisfy the vtkCell API.
int IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, double &t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int &subId) override
Intersect the line (p1,p2) with a given tolerance tol to determine a point of intersection x[3] with ...
vtkNew< vtkTriangle > Triangle
std::map< vtkIdType, vtkIdType > vtkPointIdMap
void GetCellFaces(vtkCellArray *faces)
Get the faces of the polyhedron.
~vtkPolyhedron() override
int TriangulateLocalIds(int index, vtkIdList *ptIds) override
Use vtkOrderedTriangulator to tetrahedralize the polyhedron mesh.
vtkIdType GetPointToIncidentEdges(vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(pointId), const vtkIdType *&vtkNotUsed(edgeIds)) override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
void ComputeParametricCoordinate(const double x[3], double pc[3])
vtkNew< vtkPolyData > PolyData
int TriangulateFaces(vtkIdList *newFaces)
Triangulate each face of the polyhedron.
void GetEdgeToAdjacentFaces(vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(edgeId), const vtkIdType *&vtkNotUsed(pts)) override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
vtkIdType GetPointToOneRingPoints(vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(pointId), const vtkIdType *&vtkNotUsed(pts)) override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
vtkIdType GetFaceToAdjacentFaces(vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(faceId), const vtkIdType *&vtkNotUsed(faceIds)) override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
void GetEdgePoints(vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(edgeId), const vtkIdType *&vtkNotUsed(pts)) override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
vtkNew< vtkGenericCell > Cell
void EvaluateLocation(int &subId, const double pcoords[3], double x[3], double *weights) override
The inverse of EvaluatePosition.
vtkNew< vtkPolygon > Polygon
void InterpolateFunctions(const double x[3], double *sf) override
Compute the interpolation functions/derivatives (aka shape functions/derivatives).
void Contour(double value, vtkDataArray *scalars, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *verts, vtkCellArray *lines, vtkCellArray *polys, vtkPointData *inPd, vtkPointData *outPd, vtkCellData *inCd, vtkIdType cellId, vtkCellData *outCd) override
Satisfy the vtkCell API.
int IsInside(const double x[3], double tolerance)
A method particular to vtkPolyhedron.
vtkNew< vtkIdTypeArray > LegacyGlobalFaces
int GetParametricCenter(double pcoords[3]) override
Return the center of the cell in parametric coordinates.
int TriangulateFaces(vtkCellArray *newFaces)
Triangulate each face of the polyhedron.
double * GetParametricCoords() override
See vtkCell3D API for description of this method.
void InterpolateDerivs(const double x[3], double *derivs) override
Compute the interpolation functions/derivatives (aka shape functions/derivatives).
bool IsConvex()
Determine whether or not a polyhedron is convex.
vtkNew< vtkIdTypeArray > EdgeFaces
int GetNumberOfEdges() override
A polyhedron is represented internally by a set of polygonal faces.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Standard new methods.
int IsPrimaryCell() override
A polyhedron is a full-fledged primary cell.
vtkPolyData * GetPolyData()
Construct polydata if no one exist, then return this->PolyData.
vtkNew< vtkCellArray > Faces
vtkCell * GetEdge(int) override
A polyhedron is represented internally by a set of polygonal faces.
vtkCell * GetFace(int faceId) override
A polyhedron is represented internally by a set of polygonal faces.
void DeepCopy(vtkCell *c) override
Deep copy of a polyhedron.
void Derivatives(int subId, const double pcoords[3], const double *values, int dim, double *derivs) override
Computes derivatives at the point specified by the parameter coordinate.
bool GetCentroid(double vtkNotUsed(centroid)[3]) const override
See vtkCell3D API for description of these methods.
vtkNew< vtkIdList > CellIds
vtkIdType * GetFaces() override
Get the faces of the polyhedron.
int RequiresInitialization() override
This cell requires that it be initialized prior to access.
void ComputePositionFromParametricCoordinate(const double pc[3], double x[3])
static vtkPolyhedron * New()
Standard new methods.
vtkNew< vtkCellLocator > CellLocator
int GetCellType() override
See the vtkCell API for descriptions of these methods.
int CellBoundary(int subId, const double pcoords[3], vtkIdList *pts) override
Find the boundary face closest to the point defined by the pcoords[3] and subId of the cell (subId ca...
vtkNew< vtkEdgeTable > EdgeTable
vtkNew< vtkIdTypeArray > Edges
void Clip(double value, vtkDataArray *scalars, vtkIncrementalPointLocator *locator, vtkCellArray *connectivity, vtkPointData *inPd, vtkPointData *outPd, vtkCellData *inCd, vtkIdType cellId, vtkCellData *outCd, int insideOut) override
Satisfy the vtkCell API.
void Initialize() override
The Initialize method builds up internal structures of vtkPolyhedron.
a cell that represents a 2D quadrilateral
a 3D cell that represents a tetrahedron
a cell that represents a triangle
#define VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_4_0(reason)