56#ifndef vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation_h
57#define vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation_h
60#include "vtkViewsInfovisModule.h"
135 vtkGetMacro(NumberOfAxes,
142 vtkGetMacro(NumberOfSamples,
150 vtkGetMacro(NumberOfAxisLabels,
178 vtkSetMacro(CurveResolution,
179 vtkGetMacro(CurveResolution,
186 vtkGetMacro(LineOpacity,
187 vtkGetMacro(FontSize,
188 vtkGetVector3Macro(LineColor,
189 vtkGetVector3Macro(AxisColor,
190 vtkGetVector3Macro(AxisLabelColor,
191 vtkSetMacro(LineOpacity,
192 vtkSetMacro(FontSize,
193 vtkSetVector3Macro(LineColor,
194 vtkSetVector3Macro(AxisColor,
195 vtkSetVector3Macro(AxisLabelColor,
202 vtkSetMacro(AngleBrushThreshold,
203 vtkGetMacro(AngleBrushThreshold,
210 vtkSetMacro(FunctionBrushThreshold,
211 vtkGetMacro(FunctionBrushThreshold,
233 virtual void AngleSelect(
int brushClass,
int brushOperator,
double* p1,
double* p2);
235 int brushClass,
int brushOperator,
double* p1,
double* p2,
double* q1,
double* q2);
236 virtual void RangeSelect(
int brushClass,
int brushOperator,
double* p1,
double* p2);
273 int numStrips,
int numPointsPerStrip,
int numQuads,
int numPoints,
int numCellScalars,
274 int numPointScalars);
395 double AxisLabelColor[3];
397 vtkGetStringMacro(InternalHoverText);
398 vtkSetStringMacro(InternalHoverText);
a actor that draws 2D data
represents an object (geometry & properties) in a rendered scene
Proxy object to connect input/output ports.
Pipeline data object that contains multiple vtkArray objects.
Create an axis with tick marks and labels.
performs line-based thresholding for vtkTable data.
create and manipulate ordered lists of objects
perform coordinate transformation, and represent position, in a variety of vtk coordinate systems
abstract superclass for arrays of numeric data
general representation of visualization data
dynamic, self-adjusting array of double
represent and manipulate fields of data
list of point or cell ids
dynamic, self-adjusting array of vtkIdType
a simple class to control print indentation
dynamic, self-adjusting array of int
map scalar values into colors via a lookup table
create wireframe outline corners around bounding box
Data representation that takes generic multivariate data and produces a parallel coordinates plot.
int SetPositionAndSize(double *position, double *size)
Change the position of the plot.
virtual int SwapAxisPositions(int position1, int position2)
Move an axis to a particular screen position.
virtual int AllocatePolyData(vtkPolyData *polyData, int numLines, int numPointsPerLine, int numStrips, int numPointsPerStrip, int numQuads, int numPoints, int numCellScalars, int numPointScalars)
Allocate the cells/points/scalars for a vtkPolyData.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor2D > FunctionTextActor
virtual void AngleSelect(int brushClass, int brushOperator, double *p1, double *p2)
Do a selection of the lines.
int RequestData(vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector *) override
Subclasses should override this to connect inputs to the internal pipeline as necessary.
int GetPositionAndSize(double *position, double *size)
Change the position of the plot.
int GetPositionNearXCoordinate(double xcoord)
Move an axis to a particular screen position.
virtual void LassoSelect(int brushClass, int brushOperator, vtkPoints *brushPoints)
Do a selection of the lines.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTable > InputArrayTable
vtkSmartPointer< vtkBivariateLinearTableThreshold > LinearThreshold
void SetAxisTitles(vtkStringArray *)
Set/Get the axis titles.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor2D > PlotActor
virtual void SelectRows(vtkIdType brushClass, vtkIdType brushOperator, vtkIdTypeArray *rowIds)
Select a set of points using the prescribed operator (add, subtract, etc.) and class.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D * GetSelectionMapper(int idx)
void SetAxisTitles(vtkAlgorithmOutput *)
Set/Get the axis titles.
double GetXCoordinateOfPosition(int axis)
Move an axis to a particular screen position.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextMapper > FunctionTextMapper
int GetRangeAtPosition(int position, double range[2])
Set/get the value range of the axis at a particular screen position.
void ResetAxes()
Reset the axes to their default positions and orders.
virtual void BuildInverseSelection()
Select a set of points using the prescribed operator (add, subtract, etc.) and class.
virtual int UpdatePlotProperties(vtkStringArray *inputTitles)
Set plot actor properties (line thickness, opacity, etc)
virtual int ReallocateInternals()
Delete and reallocate the internals, resetting to default values.
virtual int SetRangeAtPosition(int position, double range[2])
Set/get the value range of the axis at a particular screen position.
void GetXCoordinatesOfPositions(double *coords)
Move an axis to a particular screen position.
int ComputePointPosition(double *p)
Compute which screen position a point belongs to (returns the left position)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkAxisActor2D > * Axes
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > PlotData
void UpdateHoverHighlight(vtkView *view, int x, int y)
This function is not actually used, but as left as a stub in case it becomes useful at some point.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
Methods invoked by print to print information about the object including superclasses.
double AngleBrushThreshold
vtkSmartPointer< vtkStringArray > AxisTitles
double FunctionBrushThreshold
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyDataMapper2D > PlotMapper
vtkSmartPointer< vtkSelection > InverseSelection
int PlaceAxes()
Put the axis actors in their correct positions.
int GetNumberOfSelections()
virtual int PlaceSelection(vtkPolyData *polyData, vtkTable *data, vtkSelectionNode *selectionNode)
Takes the selection list (assumed to be a vtkIdTypeArray) from a vtkSelectionNode and plots lines/cur...
virtual void FunctionSelect(int brushClass, int brushOperator, double *p1, double *p2, double *q1, double *q2)
Do a selection of the lines.
void SetNumberOfAxisLabels(int num)
Set/Get the number of labels to display on each axis.
bool AddToView(vtkView *view) override
Add/remove the props and actors to/from a view.
virtual void LassoSelectInternal(vtkPoints *brushPoints, vtkIdTypeArray *outIds)
same as public version, but assumes that the brushpoints coming in are all within two neighboring axe...
int ComputeLinePosition(double *p1, double *p2)
Compute which screen position a point belongs to (returns the left position)
vtkSelection * ConvertSelection(vtkView *view, vtkSelection *selection) override
Select a set of points using the prescribed operator (add, subtract, etc.) and class.
void ApplyViewTheme(vtkViewTheme *theme) override
Apply the theme to this view.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkTextMapper > PlotTitleMapper
~vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation() override
virtual void RangeSelect(int brushClass, int brushOperator, double *p1, double *p2)
Do a selection of the lines.
virtual void UpdateSelectionActors()
vtkSmartPointer< vtkActor2D > PlotTitleActor
void PrepareForRendering(vtkRenderView *view) override
Add/remove the props and actors to/from a view.
virtual vtkPolyDataMapper2D * InitializePlotMapper(vtkPolyData *input, vtkActor2D *actor, bool forceStandard=false)
Select a set of points using the prescribed operator (add, subtract, etc.) and class.
bool RemoveFromView(vtkView *view) override
Add/remove the props and actors to/from a view.
void SetPlotTitle(const char *)
Set the title for the entire plot.
int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info) override
Fill the input port information objects for this algorithm.
virtual int PlaceLines(vtkPolyData *polyData, vtkTable *data, vtkIdTypeArray *idsToPlot)
Place line primitives into a vtkPolyData from the input data.
virtual std::string GetHoverString(vtkView *view, int x, int y)
Returns the hover text at an x,y location.
virtual int PlaceCurves(vtkPolyData *polyData, vtkTable *data, vtkIdTypeArray *idsToPlot)
Place line primitives into a vtkPolyData from the input data.
virtual int ComputeDataProperties()
Compute the number of axes and their individual ranges.
void BuildDefaultSCurve(vtkDoubleArray *array, int numValues)
Build an s-curve passing through (0,0) and (1,1) with a specified number of values.
int SetXCoordinateOfPosition(int position, double xcoord)
Move an axis to a particular screen position.
static vtkParallelCoordinatesRepresentation * New()
represent and manipulate 3D points
draw vtkPolyData onto the image plane
concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips
A view containing a renderer.
a node in a vtkSelection the defines the selection criteria.
data object that represents a "selection" in VTK.
Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance.
a vtkAbstractArray subclass for strings
A table, which contains similar-typed columns of data.
record modification and/or execution time
dynamic, self-adjusting array of unsigned int
Sets theme colors for a graphical view.
The superclass for all views.
abstract specification for Viewports
window superclass for vtkRenderWindow