vtk3DSImporter | Imports 3D Studio files |
vtk3DWidget | An abstract superclass for 3D widgets |
vtkAbstractMapper | Abstract class specifies interface to map data |
vtkAbstractMapper3D | Abstract class specifies interface to map 3D data |
vtkAbstractPicker | Define API for picking subclasses |
vtkAbstractPropPicker | Abstract API for pickers that can pick an instance of vtkProp |
vtkAbstractTransform | Superclass for all geometric transformations |
vtkActor | Represents an object (geometry & properties) in a rendered scene |
vtkActor2D | A actor that draws 2D data |
vtkActor2DCollection | |
vtkActorCollection | A list of actors |
vtkAmoebaMinimizer | Nonlinear optimization with a simplex |
vtkAppendFilter | Appends one or more datasets together into a single unstructured grid |
vtkAppendPolyData | Appends one or more polygonal datasets together |
vtkApproximatingSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using an Approximating Scheme |
vtkArcPlotter | Plot data along an arbitrary polyline |
vtkArrayCalculator | Perform mathematical operations on data in field data arrays |
vtkArrowSource | Appends a cylinder to a cone to form an arrow |
vtkAssembly | Create hierarchies of vtkProp3Ds (transformable props) |
vtkAssemblyNode | Represent a node in an assembly |
vtkAssemblyPath | A list of nodes that form an assembly path |
vtkAssemblyPaths | A list of lists of props representing an assembly hierarchy |
vtkAssignAttribute | Labels a field as an attribute |
vtkAttributeDataToFieldDataFilter | Map attribute data to field data |
vtkAxes | Create an x-y-z axes |
vtkAxisActor2D | Create an axis with tick marks and labels |
vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter | Generate filled contours for vtkPolyData |
vtkBase64InputStream | Reads base64-encoded input from a stream |
vtkBase64OutputStream | Writes base64-encoded output to a stream |
vtkBase64Utilities | Base64 encode and decode utilities |
vtkBitArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of bits |
vtkBlankStructuredGrid | Translate point attribute data into a blanking field |
vtkBlankStructuredGridWithImage | Blank a structured grid with an image |
vtkBMPReader | Read Windows BMP files |
vtkBMPWriter | Writes Windows BMP files |
vtkBooleanTexture | Generate 2D texture map based on combinations of inside, outside, and on region boundary |
vtkBoxWidget | Orthogonal hexahedron 3D widget |
vtkBranchExtentTranslator | Uses alternative source for whole extent |
vtkBrownianPoints | Assign random vector to points |
vtkButterflySubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using the Butterfly Scheme |
vtkButtonSource | Create a ellipsoidal-shaped button |
vtkByteSwap | Perform machine dependent byte swapping |
vtkBYUReader | Read MOVIE.BYU polygon files |
vtkBYUWriter | Write MOVIE.BYU files |
vtkCallbackCommand | Supports function callbacks |
vtkCamera | A virtual camera for 3D rendering |
vtkCaptionActor2D | Draw text label associated with a point |
vtkCarbonRenderWindow | Carbon OpenGL rendering window |
vtkCarbonRenderWindowInteractor | Implements Carbon specific functions |
vtkCardinalSpline | Computes an interpolating spline using a |
vtkCastToConcrete | Works around type-checking limitations |
vtkCell | Abstract class to specify cell behavior |
vtkCell3D | Abstract class to specify 3D cell interface |
vtkCellArray | Object to represent cell connectivity |
vtkCellCenters | Generate points at center of cells |
vtkCellData | Represent and manipulate cell attribute data |
vtkCellDataToPointData | Map cell data to point data |
vtkCellDerivatives | Compute derivatives of scalars and vectors |
vtkCellLinks | Object represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point |
vtkCellLinks::Link | |
vtkCellLocator | Octree-based spatial search object to quickly locate cells |
vtkCellPicker | Select a cell by shooting a ray into graphics window |
vtkCellType | Define types of cells |
vtkCellTypes | Object provides direct access to cells in vtkCellArray and type information |
vtkCGMWriter | Write polygonal data as a CGM file |
vtkCharArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting character array |
vtkCleanPolyData | Merge duplicate points, and/or remove unused points and/or remove degenerate cells |
vtkClipDataSet | Clip any dataset with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data |
vtkClipPolyData | Clip polygonal data with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data |
vtkClipVolume | Clip volume data with user-specified implicit function or input scalar data |
vtkCocoaRenderWindow | Cocoa OpenGL rendering window |
vtkCocoaRenderWindowInteractor | Implements Cocoa specific functions |
vtkCollection | Create and manipulate unsorted lists of objects |
vtkCollectionElement | |
vtkCollectionIterator | Iterator through a vtkCollection |
vtkCollectPolyData | Collect distributed polydata |
vtkColorTransferFunction | Defines a transfer function for mapping a property to an RGB color value |
vtkCommand | Superclass for callback/observer methods |
vtkCommunicator | Used to send/receive messages in a multiprocess/thread environment |
vtkCompositeManager | An object to composite multiple render windows |
vtkCompositer | Super class for composite algorthms |
vtkCompressCompositer | Implements compressed tree based compositing |
vtkCone | Implicit function for a cone |
vtkConeSource | Generate polygonal cone |
vtkConnectivityFilter | Extract data based on geometric connectivity |
vtkContourFilter | Generate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values |
vtkContourGrid | Generate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values (specialized for unstructured grids) |
vtkContourValues | Helper object to manage setting and generating contour values |
vtkConvexPointSet | A 3D cell defined by a set of convex points |
vtkCoordinate | Perform coordinate transformation, and represent position, in a variety of vtk coordinate systems |
vtkCriticalSection | Critical section locking class |
vtkCubeAxesActor2D | Create a 2D plot of a bounding box edges - used for navigation |
vtkCubeSource | Create a polygonal representation of a cube |
vtkCuller | A superclass for prop cullers |
vtkCullerCollection | A list of Cullers |
vtkCursor3D | Generate a 3D cursor representation |
vtkCurvatures | Compute curvatures (Gauss and mean) of a Polydata object |
vtkCutMaterial | Automatically computes the cut plane for a material array pair |
vtkCutter | Cut vtkDataSet with user-specified implicit function |
vtkCylinder | Implicit function for a cylinder |
vtkCylinderSource | Generate a cylinder centered at origin |
vtkCylindricalTransform | Cylindrical to rectangular coords and back |
vtkDashedStreamLine | Generate constant-time dashed streamline in arbitrary dataset |
vtkDataArray | Abstract superclass for arrays |
vtkDataArrayCollection | Maintain an unordered list of dataarray objects |
vtkDataArrayCollectionIterator | Iterator through a vtkDataArrayCollection |
vtkDataArraySelection | Store on/off settings for data arrays for a vtkSource |
vtkDataCompressor | Abstract interface for data compression classes |
vtkDataObject | General representation of visualization data |
vtkDataObjectCollection | Maintain an unordered list of data objects |
vtkDataObjectReader | Read vtk field data file |
vtkDataObjectSource | Abstract class specifies interface for |
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter | Map field data to concrete dataset |
vtkDataObjectWriter | Write vtk field data |
vtkDataReader | Helper superclass for objects that read vtk data files |
vtkDataSet | Abstract class to specify dataset behavior |
vtkDataSetAttributes | Represent and manipulate attribute data in a dataset |
vtkDataSetAttributes::FieldList | |
vtkDataSetCollection | Maintain an unordered list of dataset objects |
vtkDataSetMapper | Map vtkDataSet and derived classes to graphics primitives |
vtkDataSetReader | Class to read any type of vtk dataset |
vtkDataSetSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate datasets |
vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter | Extracts outer (polygonal) surface |
vtkDataSetToDataObjectFilter | Map dataset into data object (i.e., a field) |
vtkDataSetToDataSetFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToImageFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToStructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToStructuredPointsFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetToUnstructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkDataSetTriangleFilter | Triangulate any type of dataset |
vtkDataSetWriter | Write any type of vtk dataset to file |
vtkDataWriter | Helper class for objects that write vtk data files |
vtkDebugLeaks | Identify memory leaks at program termination |
vtkDebugLeaksManager | Manages the vtkDebugLeaks singleton |
vtkDecimate | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
vtkDecimate::LocalTri | |
vtkDecimate::LocalVertex | |
vtkDecimate::TriArray | |
vtkDecimate::VertexArray | |
vtkDecimatePro | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
vtkDecimatePro::LocalTri | |
vtkDecimatePro::LocalVertex | |
vtkDecimatePro::TriArray | |
vtkDecimatePro::VertexArray | |
vtkDelaunay2D | Create 2D Delaunay triangulation of input points |
vtkDelaunay3D | Create 3D Delaunay triangulation of input points |
vtkDEMReader | Read a digital elevation model (DEM) file |
vtkDepthSortPolyData | Sort poly data along camera view direction |
vtkDicer | Abstract superclass to divide dataset into pieces |
vtkDirectionEncoder | Encode a direction into a one or two byte value |
vtkDirectory | OS independent class for access to system directories |
vtkDiskSource | Create a disk with hole in center |
vtkDividingCubes | Create points lying on isosurface |
vtkDoubleArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting double precision array |
vtkDummyController | Dummy controller for single process applications |
vtkDynamicLoader | Class interface to system dynamic libraries |
vtkEarthSource | Create the continents of the Earth as a sphere |
vtkEdgePoints | Generate points on isosurface |
vtkEdgeTable | Keep track of edges (edge is pair of integer id's) |
vtkElevationFilter | Generate scalars along a specified direction |
vtkEmptyCell | An empty cell used as a place-holder during processing |
vtkEncodedGradientEstimator | Superclass for gradient estimation |
vtkEncodedGradientShader | Compute shading tables for encoded normals |
vtkEnSight6BinaryReader | Class to read binary EnSight6 files |
vtkEnSight6Reader | Class to read EnSight6 files |
vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader | Class to read binary EnSight Gold files |
vtkEnSightGoldReader | Class to read EnSight Gold files |
vtkEnSightMasterServerReader | Reader for compund EnSight files |
vtkEnSightReader | Superclass for EnSight file readers |
vtkErrorCode | Superclass for error codes |
vtkExplicitCell | Abstract superclass for cells requiring an explicit representation |
vtkExporter | Abstract class to write a scene to a file |
vtkExtentTranslator | Generates a structured extent from unstructured |
vtkExtractEdges | Extract cell edges from any type of data |
vtkExtractGeometry | Extract cells that lie either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function |
vtkExtractGrid | Select piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured grid dataset |
vtkExtractPolyDataGeometry | Extract vtkPolyData cells that lies either entirely inside or outside of a specified implicit function |
vtkExtractPolyDataPiece | Return specified piece, including specified |
vtkExtractRectilinearGrid | Extract a sub grid (VOI) from the structured rectilinear dataset |
vtkExtractTensorComponents | Extract parts of tensor and create a scalar, vector, normal, or texture coordinates |
vtkExtractUnstructuredGrid | Extract subset of unstructured grid geometry |
vtkExtractUnstructuredGridPiece | Return specified piece, including specified |
vtkExtractVectorComponents | Extract components of vector as separate scalars |
vtkExtractVOI | Select piece (e.g., volume of interest) and/or subsample structured points dataset |
vtkFeatureEdges | Extract boundary, non-manifold, and/or sharp edges from polygonal data |
vtkFieldData | Represent and manipulate fields of data |
vtkFieldData::BasicIterator | |
vtkFieldData::CopyFieldFlag | |
vtkFieldData::Iterator | |
vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter | Map field data to dataset attribute data |
vtkFileOutputWindow | File Specific output window class |
vtkFiniteDifferenceGradientEstimator | Use finite differences to estimate gradient |
vtkFloatArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting floating point array |
vtkFollower | A subclass of actor that always faces the camera |
vtkFrustumCoverageCuller | Cull props based on frustum coverage |
vtkFunctionParser | Parse and evaluate a mathematical expression |
vtkFunctionSet | Abstract inteface for sets of functions |
vtkGaussianSplatter | Splat points into a volume with an elliptical, Gaussian distribution |
vtkGeneralTransform | Allows operations on any transforms |
vtkGenericCell | Provides thread-safe access to cells |
vtkGenericEnSightReader | Class to read any type of EnSight files |
vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor | Platform-independent programmable render window interactor |
vtkGeometryFilter | Extract geometry from data (or convert data to polygonal type) |
vtkGESignaReader | Read GE Signa ximg files |
vtkGLUTesselatorTriangleFilter | Create triangle polygons from input polygons and triangle strips |
vtkGlyph2D | Copy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point (2D specialization) |
vtkGlyph3D | Copy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point |
vtkGlyphSource2D | Create 2D glyphs represented by vtkPolyData |
vtkGraphicsFactory | |
vtkGraphLayoutFilter | Nice layout of undirected graphs in 3D |
vtkGridSynchronizedTemplates3D | Generate isosurface from structured grids |
vtkGridTransform | A nonlinear warp transformation |
vtkHeap | Replacement for malloc/free and new/delete |
vtkHeapNode | |
vtkHedgeHog | Create oriented lines from vector data |
vtkHexahedron | A cell that represents a linear 3D hexahedron |
vtkHomogeneousTransform | Superclass for homogeneous transformations |
vtkHull | Produce an n-sided convex hull |
vtkHyperStreamline | Generate hyperstreamline in arbitrary dataset |
vtkIdentityTransform | A transform that doesn't do anything |
vtkIdFilter | Generate scalars or field data from point and cell ids |
vtkIdList | List of point or cell ids |
vtkIdListCollection | Maintain an unordered list of dataarray objects |
vtkIdType | Integer type used for point and cell IDs |
vtkIdTypeArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting integer array |
vtkIdTypeHolder | |
vtkImage2DIslandPixel | |
vtkImageAccumulate | Generalized histograms up to 4 dimensions |
vtkImageActor | Draw an image (data & properties) in a rendered 3D scene |
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion2D | Edge preserving smoothing |
vtkImageAnisotropicDiffusion3D | Edge preserving smoothing |
vtkImageAppend | Collects data from multiple inputs into one image |
vtkImageAppendComponents | Collects components from two inputs into |
vtkImageBlend | Blend images together using alpha or opacity |
vtkImageBlockReader | Breaks up image into blocks and save in files |
vtkImageBlockWriter | Breaks up image into blocks and save in files |
vtkImageButterworthHighPass | Frequency domain high pass |
vtkImageButterworthLowPass | Frequency domain Low pass |
vtkImageCacheFilter | Caches multiple vtkImageData objects |
vtkImageCanvasSource2D | Paints on a canvas |
vtkImageCanvasSource2DPixel | |
vtkImageCast | Image Data type Casting Filter |
vtkImageChangeInformation | Modify spacing, origin and extent |
vtkImageCheckerboard | Show two images at once using a checkboard pattern |
vtkImageCityBlockDistance | 1,2 or 3D distance map |
vtkImageClip | Reduces the image extent of the input |
vtkImageComplex | |
vtkImageConnector | Create a binary image of a sphere |
vtkImageConnectorSeed | |
vtkImageConstantPad | Makes image larger by padding with constant |
vtkImageContinuousDilate3D | Dilate implemented as a maximum |
vtkImageContinuousErode3D | Erosion implemented as a minimum |
vtkImageConvolve | Convolution of an image with a kernel |
vtkImageCorrelation | Correlation imageof the two inputs |
vtkImageCursor3D | Paints a cursor on top of an image or volume |
vtkImageData | Topologically and geometrically regular array of data |
vtkImageDataGeometryFilter | Extract geometry for structured points |
vtkImageDataStreamer | Initiates streaming on image data |
vtkImageDecomposeFilter | Filters that execute axes in series |
vtkImageDifference | Compares images for regression tests |
vtkImageDilateErode3D | Dilates one value and erodes another |
vtkImageDivergence | Divergence of a vector field |
vtkImageDotProduct | Dot product of two vector images |
vtkImageEllipsoidSource | Create a binary image of an ellipsoid |
vtkImageEuclideanDistance | Computes 3D Euclidean DT |
vtkImageEuclideanToPolar | Converts 2D Euclidean coordinates to polar |
vtkImageExport | Export VTK images to third-party systems |
vtkImageExtractComponents | Outputs a single component |
vtkImageFFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
vtkImageFlip | This flips an axis of an image. Right becomes left .. |
vtkImageFourierCenter | Shifts constant frequency to center for |
vtkImageFourierFilter | Superclass that implements complex numbers |
vtkImageGaussianSmooth | Performs a gaussian convolution |
vtkImageGaussianSource | Create an image with Gaussian pixel values |
vtkImageGradient | Computes the gradient vector |
vtkImageGradientMagnitude | Computes magnitude of the gradient |
vtkImageGridSource | Create an image of a grid |
vtkImageHSVToRGB | Converts HSV components to RGB |
vtkImageHybridMedian2D | Median filter that preserves lines and |
vtkImageIdealHighPass | Simple frequency domain band pass |
vtkImageIdealLowPass | Simple frequency domain band pass |
vtkImageImport | Import data from a C array |
vtkImageInPlaceFilter | Filter that operates in place |
vtkImageIslandRemoval2D | Removes small clusters in masks |
vtkImageIterateFilter | Multiple executes per update |
vtkImageIterator< DType > | A simple image iterator |
vtkImageLaplacian | Computes divergence of gradient |
vtkImageLogarithmicScale | Passes each pixel through log function |
vtkImageLogic | And, or, xor, nand, nor, not |
vtkImageLuminance | Computes the luminance of the input |
vtkImageMagnify | Magnify an image by an integer value |
vtkImageMagnitude | Colapses components with magnitude function. |
vtkImageMandelbrotSource | Mandelbrot image |
vtkImageMapper | 2D image display |
vtkImageMapToColors | Map the input image through a lookup table |
vtkImageMapToRGBA | Map the input image through a lookup table |
vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors | Map the input image through a lookup table and window / level it |
vtkImageMarchingCubes | Generate isosurface(s) from volume/images |
vtkImageMask | Combines a mask and an image |
vtkImageMaskBits | Applies a bit-mask pattern to each component |
vtkImageMathematics | Add, subtract, multiply, divide, invert, sin, cos, exp, log |
vtkImageMedian3D | Median Filter |
vtkImageMirrorPad | Extra pixels are filled by mirror images |
vtkImageMultipleInputFilter | Generic filter that has N inputs |
vtkImageMultipleInputOutputFilter | Generic filter that has N inputs |
vtkImageNoiseSource | Create an image filled with noise |
vtkImageNonMaximumSuppression | Performs non-maximum suppression |
vtkImageNormalize | Normalizes that scalar components for each point |
vtkImageOpenClose3D | Will perform opening or closing |
vtkImagePadFilter | Super class for filters that fill in extra pixels |
vtkImagePermute | Permutes axes of input |
vtkImagePlaneWidget | 3D widget for reslicing image data |
vtkImageProgressIterator< DType > | A simple image iterator with progress |
vtkImageQuantizeRGBToIndex | Generalized histograms up to 4 dimensions |
vtkImageRange3D | Max - min of a circular neighborhood |
vtkImageReader | Superclass of transformable binary file readers |
vtkImageReader2 | Superclass of binary file readers |
vtkImageReader2Collection | Maintain a list of implicit functions |
vtkImageReader2Factory | Superclass of binary file readers |
vtkImageResample | Resamples an image to be larger or smaller |
vtkImageReslice | Reslices a volume along a new set of axes |
vtkImageRFFT | Reverse Fast Fourier Transform |
vtkImageRGBToHSV | Converts RGB components to HSV |
vtkImageSeedConnectivity | SeedConnectivity with user defined seeds |
vtkImageSeparableConvolution | 3 1D convolutions on an image |
vtkImageShiftScale | Shift and scale an input image |
vtkImageShrink3D | Subsamples an image |
vtkImageSinusoidSource | Create an image with sinusoidal pixel values |
vtkImageSkeleton2D | Skeleton of 2D images |
vtkImageSobel2D | Computes a vector field using sobel functions |
vtkImageSobel3D | Computes a vector field using sobel functions |
vtkImageSource | Source of data for the imaging pipeline |
vtkImageSpatialFilter | Filters that operate on pixel neighborhoods |
vtkImageStencil | Combine images via a cookie-cutter operation |
vtkImageStencilData | Efficient description of an image stencil |
vtkImageStencilSource | Helper class for clipping images |
vtkImageThreshold | Flexible threshold |
vtkImageToImageFilter | Generic filter that has one input. |
vtkImageToImageStencil | Clip an image with a mask image |
vtkImageToPolyDataFilter | Generate linear primitives (vtkPolyData) from an image |
vtkImageToStructuredPoints | Attaches image pipeline to VTK |
vtkImageTranslateExtent | Changes extent, nothing else |
vtkImageTwoInputFilter | Generic superclass for filters that have |
vtkImageVariance3D | Variance in a neighborhood |
vtkImageViewer | Display a 2d image |
vtkImageViewer2 | |
vtkImageWrapPad | Makes an image larger by wrapping existing data |
vtkImageWriter | Writes images to files |
vtkImagingFactory | |
vtkImplicitBoolean | Implicit function consisting of boolean combinations of implicit functions |
vtkImplicitDataSet | Treat a dataset as if it were an implicit function |
vtkImplicitFunction | Abstract interface for implicit functions |
vtkImplicitFunctionCollection | Maintain a list of implicit functions |
vtkImplicitFunctionToImageStencil | Clip an image with a function |
vtkImplicitModeller | Compute distance from input geometry on structured point dataset |
vtkImplicitPlaneWidget | 3D widget for manipulating an infinite plane |
vtkImplicitSelectionLoop | Implicit function for a selection loop |
vtkImplicitSum | Implicit sum of other implicit functions |
vtkImplicitTextureCoords | Generate 1D, 2D, or 3D texture coordinates based on implicit function(s) |
vtkImplicitVolume | Treat a volume as if it were an implicit function |
vtkImplicitWindowFunction | Implicit function maps another implicit function to lie within a specified range |
vtkImporter | Importer abstract class |
vtkIndent | A simple class to control print indentation |
vtkInitialValueProblemSolver | Integrate a set of ordinary |
vtkInputPort | Receives data from another process |
vtkInputStream | Wraps a binary input stream with a VTK interface |
vtkInstantiator | Create an instance of any VTK class from its name |
vtkInstantiatorInitialize | |
vtkIntArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting integer array |
vtkInteractorEventRecorder | Record and play VTK events passing through a vtkRenderWindowInteractor |
vtkInteractorObserver | An abstract superclass for classes observing events invoked by vtkRenderWindowInteractor |
vtkInteractorStyle | Provide event-driven interface to the rendering window (defines trackball mode) |
vtkInteractorStyleFlight | Provides flight motion routines |
vtkInteractorStyleImage | Interactive manipulation of the camera specialized for images |
vtkInteractorStyleJoystickActor | Manipulate objects in the scene independently of one another |
vtkInteractorStyleJoystickCamera | Interactive manipulation of the camera |
vtkInteractorStyleSwitch | Class to swap between interactory styles |
vtkInteractorStyleTerrain | Manipulate camera in scene with natural view up (e.g., terrain) |
vtkInteractorStyleTrackball | Provides trackball motion control |
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActor | Manipulate objects in the scene independent of each other |
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera | Interactive manipulation of the camera |
vtkInteractorStyleUnicam | Provides Unicam navigation style |
vtkInteractorStyleUser | Provides customizable interaction routines |
vtkInterpolateDataSetAttributes | Interpolate scalars, vectors, etc. and other dataset attributes |
vtkInterpolatedVelocityField | Interface for obtaining |
vtkInterpolatingSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using an Interpolating Scheme |
vtkIOStream | Include C++ iostreams as used by VTK |
vtkIOStreamFwd | Forward-declare C++ iostreams as used by VTK |
vtkIterativeClosestPointTransform | Implementation of the ICP algorithm |
vtkIVExporter | Export a scene into OpenInventor 2.0 format |
vtkIVWriter | Export polydata into OpenInventor 2.0 format |
vtkJPEGReader | Read JPEG files |
vtkJPEGWriter | Writes JPEG files |
vtkKitwareContourFilter | Generate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values |
vtkKitwareObjectFactory | Object Factory for Kitware patented objects |
vtkKochanekSpline | Computes an interpolating spline using a Kochanek basis |
vtkLabeledDataMapper | Draw text labels at dataset points |
vtkLandmarkTransform | A linear transform specified by two corresponding point sets |
vtkLargeInteger | Class for arbitrarily large ints |
vtkLegendBoxActor | Draw symbols with text |
vtkLight | A virtual light for 3D rendering |
vtkLightCollection | A list of lights |
vtkLightKit | A simple but quality lighting kit |
vtkLine | Cell represents a 1D line |
vtkLinearExtrusionFilter | Sweep polygonal data creating a "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices |
vtkLinearSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using the Linear Scheme |
vtkLinearTransform | Abstract superclass for linear transformations |
vtkLineSource | Create a line defined by two end points |
vtkLineWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a line |
vtkLinkEdgels | Links edgels together to form digital curves |
vtkLocator | Abstract base class for objects that accelerate spatial searches |
vtkLODActor | An actor that supports multiple levels of detail |
vtkLODProp3D | Level of detail 3D prop |
vtkLODProp3DEntry | |
vtkLogLookupTable | Map scalars into colors using log (base 10) scale |
vtkLongArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting long integer array |
vtkLookupTable | Map scalar values into colors via a lookup table |
vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter | Generate a subdivision surface using the Loop Scheme |
vtkMapper | Abstract class specifies interface to map data to graphics primitives |
vtkMapper2D | |
vtkMapperCollection | A list of mappers |
vtkMarchingContourFilter | Generate isosurfaces/isolines from scalar values |
vtkMarchingCubes | Generate isosurface(s) from volume |
vtkMarchingSquares | Generate isoline(s) from structured points set |
vtkMaskFields | Allow control of which fields get passed |
vtkMaskFields::CopyFieldFlag | |
vtkMaskPoints | Selectively filter points |
vtkMaskPolyData | Sample subset of input polygonal data |
vtkMassProperties | Estimate volume, area, shape index of triangle mesh |
vtkMath | Performs common math operations |
vtkMatrix4x4 | Represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices |
vtkMatrixToHomogeneousTransform | Convert a matrix to a transform |
vtkMatrixToLinearTransform | Convert a matrix to a transform |
vtkMCubesReader | Read binary marching cubes file |
vtkMCubesWriter | Write binary marching cubes file |
vtkMedicalImageReader2 | VtkImageReader2 with medical meta data |
vtkMemoryLimitImageDataStreamer | |
vtkMergeDataObjectFilter | Merge dataset and data object field to create dataset with attribute data |
vtkMergeFields | Merge multiple fields into one |
vtkMergeFields::Component | |
vtkMergeFilter | Extract separate components of data from different datasets |
vtkMergePoints | Merge exactly coincident points |
vtkMergePoints2D | Merge exactly coincident points |
vtkMesaActor | Mesa actor |
vtkMesaCamera | Mesa camera |
vtkMesaFreeTypeTextMapper | 2D Text annotation support |
vtkMesaImageActor | Mesa texture map |
vtkMesaImageMapper | 2D image display support for Mesa |
vtkMesaLight | Mesa light |
vtkMesaPolyDataMapper | A PolyDataMapper for the Mesa library |
vtkMesaPolyDataMapper2D | |
vtkMesaProperty | Mesa property |
vtkMesaRenderer | OpenGL renderer |
vtkMesaRenderWindow | Mesa rendering window |
vtkMesaTexture | Mesa texture map |
vtkMesaVolumeRayCastMapper | Mesa subclass that draws the image to the screen |
vtkMesaVolumeTextureMapper2D | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkMeshQuality | Calculate quality of tetrahedral meshes |
vtkMILVideoSource | Matrox Imaging Library frame grabbers |
vtkMPICommunicator | Class for creating user defined MPI communicators |
vtkMPICommunicator::Request | |
vtkMPICommunicatorOpaqueComm | |
vtkMPIController | Process communication using MPI |
vtkMPIEventLog | Class for logging and timing |
vtkMPIGroup | Class for creating MPI groups |
vtkMultiPartExtentTranslator | Returns the whole extent for any piece |
vtkMultiProcessController | Multiprocessing communication superclass |
vtkMultiProcessLog | Manages logs for multiple threads/processes |
vtkMultiThreader | A class for performing multithreaded execution |
vtkMultiThreader::ThreadInfo | |
vtkMutexLock | Mutual exclusion locking class |
vtkNonLinearCell | Abstract superclass for non-linear cells |
vtkOBBDicer | Divide dataset into spatially aggregated pieces |
vtkOBBNode | |
vtkOBBTree | Generate oriented bounding box (OBB) tree |
vtkObject | Abstract base class for most VTK objects |
vtkObjectBase | Abstract base class for most VTK objects |
vtkObjectFactory | Abstract base class for vtkObjectFactories |
vtkObjectFactory::OverrideInformation | |
vtkObjectFactoryCollection | Maintain a list of object factories |
vtkOBJExporter | Export a scene into Wavefront format |
vtkOBJReader | Read Wavefront .obj files |
vtkOldStyleCallbackCommand | Supports legacy function callbacks for VTK |
vtkOOGLExporter | Export a scene into Geomview OOGL format |
vtkOpenGLActor | OpenGL actor |
vtkOpenGLCamera | OpenGL camera |
vtkOpenGLFreeTypeTextMapper | 2D Text annotation support |
vtkOpenGLImageActor | OpenGL texture map |
vtkOpenGLImageMapper | 2D image display support for OpenGL |
vtkOpenGLLight | OpenGL light |
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper | A PolyDataMapper for the OpenGL library |
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper2D | |
vtkOpenGLProperty | OpenGL property |
vtkOpenGLRenderer | OpenGL renderer |
vtkOpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkOpenGLStateCache | |
vtkOpenGLTexture | OpenGL texture map |
vtkOpenGLVolumeProVG500Mapper | Concrete class for VolumePRO mapper |
vtkOpenGLVolumeProVP1000Mapper | Concrete class for VolumePRO mapper |
vtkOpenGLVolumeRayCastMapper | OpenGL subclass that draws the image to the screen |
vtkOpenGLVolumeTextureMapper2D | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkOrderedTriangulator | Helper class to generate triangulations |
vtkOStreamWrapper | Wrapper for C++ ostream. Internal VTK use only |
vtkOStreamWrapper::EndlType | |
vtkOStrStreamWrapper | Wrapper for ostrstream. Internal VTK use only |
vtkOutlineCornerFilter | Create wireframe outline corners for arbitrary data set |
vtkOutlineCornerSource | Create wireframe outline corners around bounding box |
vtkOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for arbitrary data set |
vtkOutlineSource | Create wireframe outline around bounding box |
vtkOutputPort | Connects pipelines in different processes |
vtkOutputStream | Wraps a binary output stream with a VTK interface |
vtkOutputWindow | Base class for writing debug output to a console |
vtkOutputWindowCleanup | |
vtkOverrideInformation | Factory object override information |
vtkOverrideInformationCollection | Maintain a list of override information objects |
vtkParallelCoordinatesActor | Create parallel coordinate display from input field |
vtkParallelFactory | |
vtkParticleReader | Read raw particle data and one array |
vtkPassThroughFilter | Filter which shallow copies it's input to it's output |
vtkPCAAnalysisFilter | Performs principal component analysis of a set of aligned pointsets |
vtkPCellDataToPointData | Compute point arrays from cell arrays |
vtkPDataSetReader | Manages writing pieces of a data set |
vtkPDataSetWriter | Manages writing pieces of a data set |
vtkPerlinNoise | An implicit function that implements Perlin noise |
vtkPerspectiveTransform | Describes a 4x4 matrix transformation |
vtkPicker | Superclass for 3D geometric pickers (uses ray cast) |
vtkPieceScalars | Sets all cell scalars from the update piece |
vtkPiecewiseFunction | Defines a 1D piecewise function |
vtkPiecewiseFunctionShiftScale | |
vtkPiecewiseFunctionSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate piecewise functions |
vtkPiecewiseFunctionToPiecewiseFunctionFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkPImageWriter | |
vtkPipelineSize | Compute the memory required by a pipeline |
vtkPixel | A cell that represents an orthogonal quadrilateral |
vtkPlane | Perform various plane computations |
vtkPlaneCollection | Maintain a list of planes |
vtkPlanes | Implicit function for convex set of planes |
vtkPlaneSource | Create an array of quadrilaterals located in a plane |
vtkPlaneWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a finite plane |
vtkPLinearExtrusionFilter | Subclass that handles piece invariance |
vtkPLOT3DReader | Read PLOT3D data files |
vtkPLYReader | Read Stanford University PLY polygonal file format |
vtkPLYWriter | Write Stanford PLY file format |
vtkPNGReader | Read PNG files |
vtkPNGWriter | Writes PNG files |
vtkPNMReader | Read pnm (i.e., portable anymap) files |
vtkPNMWriter | Writes PNM (portable any map) files |
vtkPointData | Represent and manipulate point attribute data |
vtkPointDataToCellData | Map point data to cell data |
vtkPointLoad | Compute stress tensors given point load on semi-infinite domain |
vtkPointLocator | Quickly locate points in 3-space |
vtkPointLocator2D | Quickly locate points in 2-space |
vtkPointPicker | Select a point by shooting a ray into a graphics window |
vtkPoints | Represent and manipulate 3D points |
vtkPointSet | Abstract class for specifying dataset behavior |
vtkPointSetSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate point data |
vtkPointSetToPointSetFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkPointSource | Create a random cloud of points |
vtkPointWidget | Position a point in 3D space |
vtkPolyData | Concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips |
vtkPolyDataCollection | Maintain a list of polygonal data objects |
vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter | Extract polygonal data based on geometric connectivity |
vtkPolyDataMapper | Map vtkPolyData to graphics primitives |
vtkPolyDataMapper2D | Draw vtkPolyData onto the image plane |
vtkPolyDataNormals | Compute normals for polygonal mesh |
vtkPolyDataReader | Read vtk polygonal data file |
vtkPolyDataSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate polygonal data |
vtkPolyDataSourceWidget | Abstract PolyDataSource-based 3D widget |
vtkPolyDataStreamer | Stream appends input pieces to the output |
vtkPolyDataToImageStencil | Clip an image with polydata |
vtkPolyDataToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkPolyDataWriter | Write vtk polygonal data |
vtkPolygon | A cell that represents an n-sided polygon |
vtkPolyLine | Cell represents a set of 1D lines |
vtkPolyVertex | Cell represents a set of 0D vertices |
vtkPOPReader | Read POP data files |
vtkPostScriptWriter | Writes an image as a PostScript file |
vtkPOutlineCornerFilter | Create wireframe outline corners for arbitrary data set |
vtkPOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for arbitrary data set |
vtkPPolyDataNormals | Compute normals for polygonal mesh |
vtkPProbeFilter | Probe dataset in parallel |
vtkPriorityQueue | An list of ids arranged in priority order |
vtkPriorityQueue::Item | |
vtkProbeFilter | Sample data values at specified point locations |
vtkProcessObject | Abstract class specifies interface for visualization filters |
vtkProcessStatistics | Get statistics such as cpu and memory usage |
vtkProcrustesAlignmentFilter | Aligns a set of pointsets together |
vtkProgrammableAttributeDataFilter | Manipulate attribute (cell and point) data via a user-specified function |
vtkProgrammableDataObjectSource | Generate source data object via a user-specified function |
vtkProgrammableFilter | A user-programmable filter |
vtkProgrammableGlyphFilter | Control the generation and placement of glyphs at input points |
vtkProgrammableSource | Generate source dataset via a user-specified function |
vtkProjectedTexture | Assign texture coordinates for a projected texture |
vtkProp | Abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations |
vtkProp3D | Represents an 3D object for placement in a rendered scene |
vtkProp3DCollection | A list of 3D props |
vtkPropAssembly | Create hierarchies of props |
vtkPropCollection | A list of Props |
vtkProperty | Represent surface properties of a geometric object |
vtkProperty2D | |
vtkPropPicker | Pick an actor/prop using graphics hardware |
vtkPSphereSource | Sphere source that supports pieces |
vtkPStreamTracer | Parallel streamline generator |
vtkPushImageFilterSample | Example of a PushImageFilter |
vtkPushImageReader | Read image files, compatible with PushPipeline |
vtkPushPipeline | Run a pipeline from a data push perspective |
vtkPVGeometryFilter | Geometry filter that does outlines for volumes |
vtkPyramid | A 3D cell that represents a linear pyramid |
vtkQuad | A cell that represents a 2D quadrilateral |
vtkQuadraticEdge | Cell represents a parabolic, isoparametric edge |
vtkQuadraticHexahedron | Cell represents a parabolic, 20-node isoparametric hexahedron |
vtkQuadraticQuad | Cell represents a parabolic, 8-node isoparametric quad |
vtkQuadraticTetra | Cell represents a parabolic, 10-node isoparametric tetrahedron |
vtkQuadraticTriangle | Cell represents a parabolic, isoparametric triangle |
vtkQuadric | Evaluate implicit quadric function |
vtkQuadricClustering | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
vtkQuadricClustering::PointQuadric | |
vtkQuadricDecimation | Reduce the number of triangles in a mesh |
vtkQuadricDecimation::ErrorQuadric | |
vtkQuantizePolyDataPoints | Quantizes x,y,z coordinates of points |
vtkRayCastRayInfo | |
vtkRayCastStructures | The structure definitions for ray casting |
vtkRayCastVolumeInfo | |
vtkRearrangeFields | Move/copy fields between field data, point data and cell data |
vtkRearrangeFields::Operation | |
vtkRectilinearGrid | A datset that is topologically regular with variable spacing in the three coordinate directions |
vtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilter | Extract geometry for a rectilinear grid |
vtkRectilinearGridOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for a rectilinear grid |
vtkRectilinearGridReader | Read vtk rectilinear grid data file |
vtkRectilinearGridSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generates rectilinear grid data |
vtkRectilinearGridToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkRectilinearGridWriter | Write vtk rectilinear grid data file |
vtkRecursiveDividingCubes | Create points lying on isosurface (using recursive approach) |
vtkRecursiveSphereDirectionEncoder | A direction encoder based on the recursive subdivision of an octahedron |
vtkReferenceCount | Obsolete / empty subclass of object |
vtkReflectionFilter | Reflects a data set across a plane |
vtkRenderer | Abstract specification for renderers |
vtkRendererCollection | A list of renderers |
vtkRendererSource | Take a renderer into the pipeline |
vtkRenderLargeImage | Use tiling to generate a large rendering |
vtkRenderWindow | Create a window for renderers to draw into |
vtkRenderWindowCollection | A list of RenderWindows |
vtkRenderWindowInteractor | Platform-independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control |
vtkReverseSense | Reverse the ordering of polygonal cells and/or vertex normals |
vtkRibbonFilter | Create oriented ribbons from lines defined in polygonal dataset |
vtkRIBExporter | Export a scene into RenderMan RIB format |
vtkRIBLight | RIP Light |
vtkRIBProperty | RIP Property |
vtkRotationalExtrusionFilter | Sweep polygonal data creating "skirt" from free edges and lines, and lines from vertices |
vtkRTAnalyticSource | Create an image for regression testing |
vtkRuledSurfaceFilter | Generates a surface from a set of lines |
vtkRungeKutta2 | Integrate an initial value problem using 2nd |
vtkRungeKutta4 | Integrate an initial value problem using 4th |
vtkRungeKutta45 | Integrate an initial value problem using 5th |
vtkSampleFunction | Sample an implicit function over a structured point set |
vtkScalarBarActor | Create a scalar bar with labels |
vtkScalarBarWidget | 2D widget for manipulating a scalar bar |
vtkScalarsToColors | Map scalar values into colors |
vtkScalarTree | Organize data according to scalar values (used to accelerate contouring operations) |
vtkScaledTextActor | Create text that will scale as needed |
vtkSelectPolyData | Select portion of polygonal mesh; generate selection scalars |
vtkSelectVisiblePoints | Extract points that are visible (based on z-buffer calculation) |
vtkSharedMemoryCommunicator | Provides communication using shared memory |
vtkShepardMethod | Sample unstructured points onto structured points using the method of Shepard |
vtkShortArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting short integer array |
vtkShrinkFilter | Shrink cells composing an arbitrary data set |
vtkShrinkPolyData | Shrink cells composing PolyData |
vtkSimpleCriticalSection | |
vtkSimpleElevationFilter | Generate scalars along a specified direction |
vtkSimpleImageFilterExample | Simple example of an image-image filter |
vtkSimpleImageToImageFilter | Generic image filter with one input |
vtkSimpleMutexLock | |
vtkSimpleScalarTree | Organize data according to scalar values (used to accelerate contouring operations) |
vtkSLCReader | Read an SLC volume file |
vtkSliceCubes | Generate isosurface(s) from volume four slices at a time |
vtkSmartPointer< T > | Hold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance |
vtkSmartPointerBase | Non-templated superclass for vtkSmartPointer |
vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter | |
vtkSocketCommunicator | Process communication using Sockets |
vtkSocketController | Process communication using Sockets |
vtkSource | Abstract class specifies interface for visualization network source |
vtkSpatialRepresentationFilter | Generate polygonal model of spatial search object (i.e., a vtkLocator) |
vtkSphere | Implicit function for a sphere |
vtkSpherePuzzle | Create a polygonal sphere centered at the origin |
vtkSpherePuzzleArrows | Visualize permutation of the sphere puzzle |
vtkSphereSource | Create a polygonal sphere centered at the origin |
vtkSphereWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a sphere |
vtkSphericalTransform | Spherical to rectangular coords and back |
vtkSpline | Spline abstract class |
vtkSplineFilter | Generate uniformly subdivided polylines from a set of input polyline using a vtkSpline |
vtkSplineWidget | 3D widget for manipulating a spline |
vtkSplitField | Split a field into single component fields |
vtkSplitField::Component | |
vtkSTLReader | Read ASCII or binary stereo lithography files |
vtkSTLWriter | Write stereo lithography files |
vtkStreamer | Abstract object implements integration of massless particle through vector field |
vtkStreamer::StreamArray | |
vtkStreamer::StreamPoint | |
vtkStreamLine | Generate streamline in arbitrary dataset |
vtkStreamPoints | Generate points along streamer separated by constant time increment |
vtkStreamTracer | Streamline generator |
vtkStreamTracer::IntervalInformation | |
vtkStripper | Create triangle strips and/or poly-lines |
vtkStructuredData | Abstract class for topologically regular data |
vtkStructuredGrid | Topologically regular array of data |
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter | Extract geometry for structured grid |
vtkStructuredGridOutlineFilter | Create wireframe outline for structured grid |
vtkStructuredGridReader | Read vtk structured grid data file |
vtkStructuredGridSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generates structured grid data |
vtkStructuredGridToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredGridToStructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredGridWriter | Write vtk structured grid data file |
vtkStructuredPoints | A subclass of ImageData |
vtkStructuredPointsCollection | Maintain a list of structured points data objects |
vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter | Obsolete class |
vtkStructuredPointsReader | Read vtk structured points data file |
vtkStructuredPointsSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generates structured Points data |
vtkStructuredPointsToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredPointsToStructuredPointsFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredPointsToUnstructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkStructuredPointsWriter | Write vtk structured points data file |
vtkSubdivideTetra | Subdivide one tetrahedron into twelve for every tetra |
vtkSubPixelPositionEdgels | Adjust edgel locations based on gradients |
vtkSuperquadric | Implicit function for a Superquadric |
vtkSuperquadricSource | Create a polygonal superquadric centered |
vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter | Reconstructs a surface from unorganized points |
vtkSweptSurface | Given a path and input geometry generate an (implicit) representation of a swept surface |
vtkSynchronizedTemplates2D | Generate isoline(s) from a structured points set |
vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D | Generate isosurface from structured points |
vtkSystemIncludes | Transition VTK to ANSI C++, centralize |
vtkTableExtentTranslator | Extent translation through lookup table |
vtkTensor | Supporting class to enable assignment and referencing of tensors |
vtkTensorGlyph | Scale and orient glyph(s) according to tensor eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
vtkTetra | A 3D cell that represents a tetrahedron |
vtkTextActor | An actor that displays text. Scaled or unscaled |
vtkTextMapper | 2D text annotation |
vtkTextProperty | Represent text properties |
vtkTextSource | Create polygonal text |
vtkTexture | Handles properties associated with a texture map |
vtkTexturedSphereSource | Create a sphere centered at the origin |
vtkTextureMapToCylinder | Generate texture coordinates by mapping points to cylinder |
vtkTextureMapToPlane | Generate texture coordinates by mapping points to plane |
vtkTextureMapToSphere | Generate texture coordinates by mapping points to sphere |
vtkThinPlateSplineTransform | A nonlinear warp transformation |
vtkThreadedController | Allows communication between running threads |
vtkThreadSafeLog | Saves tag/float entries |
vtkThreshold | Extracts cells where scalar value in cell satisfies threshold criterion |
vtkThresholdPoints | Extracts points whose scalar value satisfies threshold criterion |
vtkThresholdTextureCoords | Compute 1D, 2D, or 3D texture coordinates based on scalar threshold |
vtkTIFFReader | Read TIFF files |
vtkTIFFWriter | Write out structured points as a TIFF file |
vtkTimerLog | Timer support and logging |
vtkTimerLogEntry | |
vtkTimeStamp | Record modification and/or execution time |
vtkTkImageViewerWidget | A Tk Widget for viewing vtk images |
vtkTkRenderWidget | A Tk Widget for vtk renderering |
vtkTransform | Describes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix |
vtkTransformCollection | Maintain a list of transforms |
vtkTransformConcatenation | |
vtkTransformConcatenationStack | |
vtkTransformFilter | Transform points and associated normals and vectors |
vtkTransformPair | |
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter | Transform points and associated normals and vectors for polygonal dataset |
vtkTransformTextureCoords | Transform (scale, rotate, translate) texture coordinates |
vtkTransformToGrid | Create a grid for a vtkGridTransform |
vtkTransmitPolyDataPiece | Return specified piece, including specified |
vtkTransmitUnstructuredGridPiece | Return specified piece, including specified |
vtkTreeComposite | Implements tree based compositing |
vtkTreeCompositer | Implements tree based compositing |
vtkTriangle | A cell that represents a triangle |
vtkTriangleFilter | Create triangle polygons from input polygons and triangle strips |
vtkTriangleStrip | A cell that represents a triangle strip |
vtkTriangularTCoords | 2D texture coordinates based for triangles |
vtkTriangularTexture | Generate 2D triangular texture map |
vtkTubeFilter | Filter that generates tubes around lines |
vtkUGFacetReader | Read EDS Unigraphics facet files |
vtkUnsignedCharArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting unsigned character array |
vtkUnsignedIntArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting unsigned int integer array |
vtkUnsignedLongArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting unsigned long integer array |
vtkUnsignedShortArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting unsigned short integer array |
vtkUnstructuredGrid | Dataset represents arbitrary combinations of all possible cell types |
vtkUnstructuredGridReader | Read vtk unstructured grid data file |
vtkUnstructuredGridSource | Abstract class whose subclasses generate unstructured grid data |
vtkUnstructuredGridToPolyDataFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkUnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter | Abstract filter class |
vtkUnstructuredGridWriter | Write vtk unstructured grid data file |
vtkVectorDot | Generate scalars from dot product of vectors and normals (e.g., show displacement plot) |
vtkVectorNorm | Generate scalars from Euclidean norm of vectors |
vtkVectorText | Create polygonal text |
vtkVersion | Versioning class for vtk |
vtkVertex | A cell that represents a 3D point |
vtkVideoSource | Superclass of video input devices for VTK |
vtkViewport | Abstract specification for Viewports |
vtkVoidArray | Dynamic, self-adjusting array of void* pointers |
vtkVolume | Represents a volume (data & properties) in a rendered scene |
vtkVolume16Reader | Read 16 bit image files |
vtkVolumeCollection | A list of volumes |
vtkVolumeMapper | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkVolumeProMapper | Superclass for VolumePRO volume rendering mappers |
vtkVolumeProperty | Represents the common properties for rendering a volume |
vtkVolumeProVG500Mapper | Superclass for VG500 board |
vtkVolumeProVP1000Mapper | Superclass for VP1000 board |
vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction | A ray function for compositing |
vtkVolumeRayCastDynamicInfo | |
vtkVolumeRayCastFunction | A superclass for ray casting functions |
vtkVolumeRayCastIsosurfaceFunction | An isosurface ray caster for volumes |
vtkVolumeRayCastMapper | A slow but accurate mapper for rendering volumes |
vtkVolumeRayCastMIPFunction | A maximum intensity projection ray caster for volumes |
vtkVolumeRayCastStaticInfo | |
vtkVolumeRayCastStructures | Structures for ray casting volumes |
vtkVolumeReader | Read image files |
vtkVolumeTextureMapper | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkVolumeTextureMapper2D | Abstract class for a volume mapper |
vtkVoxel | A cell that represents a 3D orthogonal parallelepiped |
vtkVoxelContoursToSurfaceFilter | Create surface from contours |
vtkVoxelModeller | Convert an arbitrary dataset to a voxel representation |
vtkVRMLAllocator | |
vtkVRMLExporter | Export a scene into VRML 2.0 format |
vtkVRMLImporter | Imports VRML 2.0 files |
vtkVRMLVectorType< T > | |
vtkWarpLens | Deform geometry by applying lens distortion |
vtkWarpScalar | Deform geometry with scalar data |
vtkWarpTo | Deform geometry by warping towards a point |
vtkWarpTransform | Superclass for nonlinear geometric transformations |
vtkWarpVector | Deform geometry with vector data |
vtkWedge | A 3D cell that represents a linear wedge |
vtkWeightedTransformFilter | |
vtkWin32Header | Manage Windows system differences |
vtkWin32ImageMapper | (obsolete) 2D image display support for Microsoft windows |
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkWin32OutputWindow | Win32 Specific output window class |
vtkWin32PolyDataMapper2D | 2D PolyData support for windows |
vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor | Implements Win32 specific functions |
vtkWin32VideoSource | Video-for-Windows video digitizer |
vtkWinCEOpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkWindow | Window superclass for ImageWindow and RenderWindow |
vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter | Adjust point positions using a windowed sinc function interpolation kernel |
vtkWindowLevelLookupTable | Map scalar values into colors or colors to scalars; generate color table |
vtkWindowToImageFilter | Use a vtkWindow as input to image pipeline |
vtkWorldPointPicker | Find world x,y,z corresponding to display x,y,z |
vtkWriter | Abstract class to write data to file(s) |
vtkXMesaRenderWindow | Mesa rendering window |
vtkXMLDataElement | Represents an XML element and those nested inside |
vtkXMLDataParser | Used by vtkXMLReader to parse VTK XML files |
vtkXMLDataReader | Superclass for VTK XML file readers |
vtkXMLDataSetWriter | Write any type of VTK XML file |
vtkXMLFileOutputWindow | XML File Specific output window class |
vtkXMLFileReadTester | Utility class for vtkXMLReader and subclasses |
vtkXMLImageDataReader | Read VTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLImageDataWriter | Write VTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLParser | Parse XML to handle element tags and attributes |
vtkXMLPDataReader | Superclass for PVTK XML file readers |
vtkXMLPDataSetWriter | Write any type of PVTK XML file |
vtkXMLPDataWriter | Write data in a parallel XML format |
vtkXMLPImageDataReader | Read PVTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLPImageDataWriter | Write PVTK XML ImageData files |
vtkXMLPolyDataReader | Read VTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPolyDataWriter | Write VTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPPolyDataReader | Read PVTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPPolyDataWriter | Write PVTK XML PolyData files |
vtkXMLPRectilinearGridReader | Read PVTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLPRectilinearGridWriter | Write PVTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLPStructuredDataReader | Superclass for parallel structured data XML readers |
vtkXMLPStructuredDataWriter | Superclass for PVTK XML structured data writers |
vtkXMLPStructuredGridReader | Read PVTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLPStructuredGridWriter | Write PVTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredDataReader | Superclass for parallel unstructured data XML readers |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredDataWriter | Superclass for PVTK XML unstructured data writers |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridReader | Read PVTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter | Write PVTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLReader | Superclass for VTK's XML format readers |
vtkXMLRectilinearGridReader | Read VTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter | Write VTK XML RectilinearGrid files |
vtkXMLStructuredDataReader | Superclass for structured data XML readers |
vtkXMLStructuredDataWriter | Superclass for VTK XML structured data writers |
vtkXMLStructuredGridReader | Read VTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLStructuredGridWriter | Write VTK XML StructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader | Superclass for unstructured data XML readers |
vtkXMLUnstructuredDataWriter | Superclass for VTK XML unstructured data writers |
vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader | Read VTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter | Write VTK XML UnstructuredGrid files |
vtkXMLWriter | Superclass for VTK's XML file writers |
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow | OpenGL rendering window |
vtkXPolyDataMapper2D | 2D PolyData support for windows |
vtkXRenderWindowInteractor | An X event driven interface for a RenderWindow |
vtkXRenderWindowTclInteractor | A TCL event driven interface for a RenderWindow |
vtkXYPlotActor | Generate an x-y plot from input dataset(s) or field data |
vtkXYPlotWidget | 2D widget for manipulating a XY plot |
vtkZLibDataCompressor | Data compression using zlib |